New City, New Sights

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After spending nearly your entire winter vacation packing and labeling, the day had finally arrived. You and your family were moving to Tokyo. You were excited and sad at the same time; sad to be moving away from everything you knew and loved, yet excited for your new adventure to start. Granted, your family had lived in Osaka and it was a massive city, but you knew it would never compare to that of Tokyo. After all it was the capital of the country.

Once you had found out that your family was moving, you immediately searched about the many things Tokyo had to offer. From its food to places the youth (like yourself) hung out. Your search results were overwhelming to say the least, but you could only grow from the challenges you faced head on, right? At least that's how you liked to look at things. You were the type to rarely scare and took everything in stride. There was not a single thing you couldn't overcome if you just put your mind to it. That's what your parents had always taught you. 

You took one last look around the house that you had grown up in. Then room where you hung your posters of volleyball players and anime characters, the bathroom you once flooded because you overflowed the bathtub while you were playing around, the yard where you had countless adventures and bug hunts... so many memories. You'd be lying to yourself if you said you weren't feeling sad to leave all these memories behind. 

"(y/n)! Come on we're gonna miss the train!"

"I'm coming Dad!" you replied, smiling softly to yourself before whispering your last goodbye to the house. You rushed out to the taxi and jumped in the backseat next to your mother. After leaving the house, there was nothing but excitement and wonder for what the near future and the big city had in store for you. 


After a few hours on the train, you arrived at your new home. It was a small quaint house in the city. Although surrounded by many apartment buildings, there were a few houses in the area as well. After your parents had opened the house up, you decided to take a look around. It was a cute little house with two stories. You quickly picked out your room on the second floor and before you knew it the moving truck had arrived with your families things. Little by little your family had been able to move everything in and set it all up. 

By the afternoon, you managed to unpack most of your things to the point where your bedroom wasn't overrun by mounds of cardboard boxes. Your parents had done an exceptional job with the rest of the house as well, of course, the movers did a lot of the heavy lifting and even set up the major furniture pieces in the house. But it was starting to feel like a home. 

"(y/n)! Let's go walk around the neighborhood!" your mother shouted from downstairs. 

"Okay!" You replied and hurried downstairs in excitement. 

"I was thinking we should walk around and see what are neighborhood has. Also perhaps find a supermarket to buy some stuff for dinner while your father goes into work. How does that sound, (y/n)?" 

"Dad has to go into work? But we just moved..." You sighed, you had hoped you would be able to spend a little more time together since it was your first day in the city. 

"Don't worry, pumpkin! It's just to check in at the new location and meet my new employees. Nothing too bad, I'll be home by the time dinner is ready, okay?" He chuckled and kissed your forehead before he left. 

"Come on, don't be so down! We have a brand new adventure to start!" Your mother chuckled and pulled you into a tight hug, "Besides we knew your father was getting a promotion when we moved up here. Let's make him a special dinner to congratulate him, hm?"

You couldn't help but smile at your mother's words and nod. The two of you went out and walked around the area. You were quite surprised that you found a old looking movie theater in the area, as well as a cool looking batting cage. Your mother decided to look in the local supermarket and told you to keep looking around. You happily agreed and wandered down the street some more. Before you knew it you ended up in front of a small retro-looking cafe named Le Blanc. You opened the door to peek inside, there were a couple customers sipping on coffee or eating curry. The aroma of the curry and the coffee intermingling had wafted to the door upon opening. At the sound of the bell, an older man behind the counter turned to look at you. You stepped inside and looked around a bit.

"You new around these parts?" the man asked with an eyebrow raised as he looked at you over the top of his glasses. 

"O-Oh. Um... Yes! My family just moved here..." You smiled awkwardly at the man, surprised by his words. 

"Hm... It's not often that I get new faces around here... You want a cup of coffee?" He now turned his full attention on you as you just stood awkwardly by the door. 

"Um... I- Maybe not today! But I'll come back another time! My mom is just at the supermarket...." You chuckled sheepishly while rubbing the nape of your neck.

The man just chuckled and nodded, "Alright, run along. Don't stand in front of the door, you might get hit when someone tries to come in."

You bowed to him quickly before rushing out of the coffee shop. You took a mental note on the cafe, vowing to yourself that you would comeback the next day to have some of that coffee. Perhaps you'd even bring your mom along next time. Just as you turned around to walk back to the supermarket, you ran straight into a rather tall person. 

Before you could hit the ground, you felt a pair of arms wrap around you and pull you close. You looked up to see who the person was, only to be met with a pair of dark grey eyes and fluffy hair. Your cheeks instantly flushed a hue of bright red as you quickly regained your balance. 

"I-I'm so sorry! I should have watched where I was going!" You bowed in apology to the stranger.

"It's okay, at least you didn't get hurt, right?" the boy tilted his head as he looked you over, making sure you were okay.

"Nope... You pretty much saved me from that..." You chuckled sheepishly, the heat still lingering on your cheeks. "...Thanks for catching me..." 

"Don't mention it..." He chuckled softly as he nodded.

"I-I should go now... sorry for holding you up!" You grinned before running away. 

The boy watched as you ran around the corner before he looked at the paper in his hands. He looked at the sign of the coffee shop, confirming that this was the place that the delivery guy had told him to find Sakura Sojiro. He walked up to the door and made his way inside, unsure of what to expect. After all, he was here on probation for the year.


Greetings! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of this story! Sorry there wasn't much character interaction between you (the reader) and the persona 5 characters here. But it'll be coming soon!!!

- Author-chan ;P

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