Dessert Cafe

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As the three of you made your way to the station, the station seemed to get a bit more crowded than earlier. The two boys got closer to you to help shield you from all the people that were coming and going through the station. 

"Wow... It's so crowded now..." you said softly.

Ryuji looked down at you and chuckled, "Yeah, it's the start of rush hour time now. So stay close to us so you don't get lost in the crowd." 

You nodded and smiled at him, following as they led the way through the station. You guys made your way on to the train when it arrived. Ren headed in first, followed by Ryuji, and then you. It was a packed train, not to mention you would be heading to Shibuya so even more people were on the train than usual. As the three of you got into the train, Ren had scooted in to make room for you and Ryuji to stand near the seats so you could all grab on to the handles for balance. But, as you were walking in, the people behind you had started to push their way to make it on to the train. You gasped as you felt your body being pushed into the crowd. 

Luckily, Ryuji had heard you and quickly reached out to grab you. He pulled you towards him by your waist, you stumbled a bit from the sudden change of direction that your body was being pulled in and ended up falling into his chest. Ryuji looked down at you, still holding you close to his body. His eyes gazed at you with concern, looking over you to make sure you weren't hurt. 

"Are you okay, (l/n)-san?" He asked. 

You looked up at him and nodded. Suddenly realizing how close the two of you were, heat started to rush to your cheeks. There was nothing you could do about it, especially since the train was packed. He seemed to notice how close you were to him as well, resulting in his face flushing a shade of pink as well. He looked away as he moved you in front of him, using his body to keep you from getting pushed and bumped around from the crowd. 

"Hold on to the bar..." Ryuji said softly as he let go of your waist feeling a bit embarrassed. You nodded and reached up to take a hold of the bar like he had told you to do.

The train ride wasn't too long and upon arrival at the station, Ryuji had also led the way out of the train. You took a hold of the back of his blazer so you wouldn't get lost in the crowd, while your other hand held on to the sleeve of Ren's blazer to make sure he was also keeping up. When the three of you got out of the station, your eyes widened at the sight of the city. It was so bright and the streets were filled with people. 

Without hesitation you pulled your phone out of your pocket, "Wait! Let me take a picture!" You called out to them with excitement.

The two boys looked back at you and watched as you took a few pictures of the busy street like a tourist. When the light changed and everyone started to walk, you ran out and stood in the middle. The boys followed you without questioning anything, but also making sure you weren't gonna get hurt by the crowd. You held up your phone to take a selfie of yourself in the middle of the intersection. 

After you had snapped one by yourself you called out to them to join you. Although they were a bit shocked that you had asked they walked over anyway. You quickly handed your phone to Ren, since he was the tallest of the three of you then you wrapped your arms around each of the boys' waist to pull them closer. Ryuji laughed at the action and put his arm around your shoulders, Ren doing the same before he took a few of the pictures. Shortly after you all had took the pictures, you had noticed the intersection clearing out. You gasped then ran to the side with the other two following close behind. 

When you reached the curb you couldn't help but laugh, "Oh that was so fun! Wait! Let me see the pictures!" 

Ren laughed as he handed you back your phone so you could inspect the pictures that were taken. "Oh they look good! Thanks Ren-kun!" You grinned at him, "Oh, I'll make us a group chat and send them to you guys too!" 

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