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You opened your eyes as you looked around your house. Everything felt.... different. 

"Mom? Dad?" You called out as you got out of bed and started to head down the stairs. There was no answer. You walked slowly through the house. It was quiet. Too quiet. You could hear the sound of something being smashed or thrown around in the distance, probably coming from a back room on the first floor of your house. You made your way slowly unsure of what was happening. As you made your way to the back room that led out to the backyard of your house, the smashing noises got louder. 

You slowly slid the door to the room open. Your heart sunk to your stomach at the sight before you. Your body started to sweat and your knees started to shake as you watched the scene unfold in front of you. 

When you opened the door you saw a tall man, older man taking your art supplies and your sewing machine and smashing them. Your breath started to hitch in your throat, becoming increasingly harder to breathe. 

"What is this (y/n)?! " The figure yelled as he turned to face you. 

Your eyes widened as you finally saw the identity of the man standing before you. Your grandfather. 

"Th-that's m-my-" you started.


With that last yell, your whole body jolted awake. You sat up in your bed and blinked as tears started to stream down your cheeks. Your body in a cold sweat and your hands shaking as you brought them up to cover your face, sobbing softly in the dark. You looked at your alarm clock on your nightstand and saw that it was only 3 a.m. 

'It was just a dream.... just a dream....' you thought to yourself as you took deep breaths to calm down. Your heart was beating loudly in your chest. 

You eventually got out of your bed and decided to go downstairs to get yourself some water. You hoped that this would help your body to calm down further and get rid of the memory that had graced itself in your sleep in the form of a nightmare. When you got to the kitchen you made yourself a cold glass of water and sat yourself on the floor, leaning back against the refrigerator. You closed your eyes as you let out a heavy breath, leaning your head back against the fridge. But every time you leaned your head back, you could vividly see the face of your grandfather in your mind. 

You stood up and put the glass in the sink before you head up to your room again. You got back into bed and opened the window. You took a deep breath of the crisp air and sat on your bed leaning back against the wall. You grabbed your ipad that was on your nightstand to do something, anything that would distract your mind from remembering your nightmare. You pulled up your drawing app and decided to sketch a little to ease your mind. 


Finally, it was morning. You dragged yourself out of bed to force yourself to go to school. You pulled on your uniform and grabbed your school bag, before you slowly made your way out of the house to head to school. Luckily, you managed to look presentable today, although it didn't look exactly like your normal look. It was more relaxed than normal. But, of course, you didn't have the energy to put a lot of effort into your looks today. You had a horrible night of sleep, or no sleep rather. 

As you were walking to the station, Ren caught sight of you. "(y/n)!" He called out to you, but you were so tired that you didn't hear him at all. 

 He blinked and ran up to you.  He tilted his head as he peeked around to make sure it was actually you before doing anything. Once he had confirmed that it was actually you, he placed his hands on your shoulders. At the action you let out a squeak of surprise, resulting in you getting some stares from the people around you. You looked to see who had grabbed you but breathed a sigh of relief when you saw that it was just Ren. 

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