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I don't know if this is exactly triggering for anyone, but I'm gonna put a disclaimer that I am introducing Kamoshida here. And we all know he's a bastard. 

After you and Ann had managed to buy some good bread from the stand at the school, you two were chatting as you walked through the halls. The both of you were going to head out to the courtyard area where you normally hung out during lunch. The cafeteria was too crowded and staying in the classroom wasn't much fun. You enjoyed spending time with Ann, she was sweet and was easy to talk to. You were so thankful that you had happened to make a good friend on the first day of school.

But as the two of you were heading out to the courtyard a tall man had stopped in front of the two of you. He had medium length black hair that was a bit curly. He wore a plain white t-shirt, that seemed a little too snug, and track pants. Just by looking at the way he dressed, you could guess he had something to do with the athletics program at the school. 

"Takamaki-san, you got a new friend here?" The man's voice hinted at something sinister and held a tone that seemed almost like he was trying to seduce the two high school girls in front of him. 

"O-oh... Kamoshida...." 

You blinked as you turned to look at Ann. You were slightly taken aback by her sudden change in attitude; one minute she was happy and laughing and the next she seemed angry and scared at the same time. You could see her smiling features fade into that of distress. You then shifted your attention back to the man that was standing before you. His dark eyes stared at you intensely as they gave you a once over. You could feel the hairs on the back of your neck stand up from the ominous aura this man, who you assumed was named Kamoshida, was giving off. 

"You must be one of the new transfer students. My it's a shame you weren't put in my class!" He laughed and smirked at you. 

You forced a laugh out sensing that if you hadn't there would be consequences. This man seemed like he owned the school and you felt helpless. You shifted your weight on to the leg that was slightly behind your stance, slightly backing away from the man. 

"Shy one, eh? Well you shouldn't be. Right Takamaki-san?" He grinned as he leaned closer to the two girls. But Ann stayed silent, not answering his questions. 

"Quiet today, huh? Well I'll leave you two to it. See me after school Takamaki-san." 

With those last words he walked past the two of you. You heaved a sigh and brought your hand to your chest, the pressure of the moment being finally released. After a couple calming breaths, you looked over at the blonde girl beside you. Her body had seemed rigid and tense, even though the male was gone. 

"Ann-" you started, but was cut off by the girl turning to smile at you. 

"Hey, I forgot that I have to meet with Shiho. I'll see you in class? Sorry for ditching you! I'll make it up to you tomorrow!" She forced a smile and a sheepish laugh before she had ran out the door. 

You on the other hand were left alone in the hallway, bewildered by the situation that had just passed. You looked down at your hand at the bread that you had bought and sighed. 

'Where should I go now....' you thought to yourself as you looked at the bread. 

You smiled knowing exactly where to go and turned on your heels to head up to the roof top. Surely, the two boys that you have been spending a lot of time would be there. Perhaps you could ask them about this Kamoshida guy. 


Finally, the school day had ended. You said a quick goodbye to Ann and Ren as you left the class. Ren had told you he was gonna do some errands after school, which meant you had to head home by yourself. The past couple of days you and Ren had ended up going home together, since you lived in the same area. As you made your way through the halls, you pulled your headphones out of your bag. You would casually wave and say goodbye to some classmates that noticed you in the hallways, before you started your music. 

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