First Day of School

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Finally, Monday rolled around and it was the first day of school. You were excited and nervous all the same. You grabbed your school bag and filled it with the necessities, like a pencil case, notebooks, and a little pouch that was filled with makeup enough to do some simple touch ups during breaks. Surprisingly, you had woke up early today, probably because you were too excited and wanted to make sure you didn't get lost on your way there. 

You took a quick shower and put on your school uniform. You opened the window in your room to see what the temperature was. Of course, it was cold. You went to your closet and pulled out your favorite beige button-up cardigan to put on under your school blazer. You then braided your hair into one long braid, then draped it over your shoulder. After brushing and fixing your bangs to perfection, you hoisted your school bag on and headed out. You gave a quick wave to your mom, who was in the kitchen prepping stuff for dinner that night, then slipped on your shoes and head out the door. 

'I hope everything goes okay! You can do this (y/n)!!!' you thought to yourself as you walked to the station. Boy, it was crowded.

You carefully made your way through the crowd to board your train. When you got out in Shibuya, you had yet another moment of culture shock if you will. You thought it was crowded on a sunday, but this morning was nothing compared to yesterday. It made you a little nervous as you looked around, quickly losing your confidence realizing that you had no idea where to go. 'Shit. shit. shit. maybe instead of shopping I should have navigated my way to school.... fuck...' you were starting to panic as you looked around. Luckily, you spotted a few students with similar uniforms to yours and started to walk that direction.

You were so focused on following those couple students you had seen that you didn't watch where you were going. You bumped into someone and you yelped in surprise, "Oh! I'm so sorry!" you quickly bowed to the figure without even looking at them.

"Oh! Don't worry about it!" The girl chuckled.

You looked up to see a girl with light blonde hair put up in pigtails. She gave you a nice smile as you fully took in what she looked like. To your relief, she had on a Shujin Academy uniform as well. 

The look of relief on your face was noted by the girl, "Are you okay?"

"Um... I'm... well... lost," you heaved a sigh and looked down, disappointed in yourself. 

"Oh! Are you new to the area?" The girl asked as she tilted her head slightly to the side.

You chuckled sheepishly and nodded, your grip on the strap of your bag tightened a bit. You were embarrassed that you managed to walk into someone yet again, how much of a klutz can you actually be?! And also that you got lost in the crowd.

"Yeah... I just moved here not too long ago..."

"Oh! That's so cool! Wait- You want to just go to school together? We're going to the same place," she grinned happily as she held her hand up to her blazer to emphasize that she was a Shujin academy student.

You looked at the patch on her blazer and smiled, but you noticed that she had a pin that also told you she was a second year. "Oh, you're a second year as well?" you asked as you looked back up at her then pointed to the pin on your uniform as well. 

"Oh! That's cool! I wonder if we'll be in the same class!" She chuckled as she started to lead the way to the subway transfer. As you followed her to the train you made sure to look at your surroundings to take mental notes of how to get to the transfer so in the future you wouldn't get lost. After all, you can't rely on a kind stranger showing you directions all year around. 

"I'm Ann Takamaki, by the way. What's your name?" The girl, who you now know as Ann, looked back at you as you waited in line for the train to arrive. 

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