A Little Lost

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After dinner, you went up to your room to plan for the next day. You had one extra day to enjoy the city before school started and you would have to delve into your studies. You pulled out your laptop and began to search for a place you wanted to explore and sight-see for that day. 

'Hmm.... Shibuya sounds good.... but also Harajuku doesn't sound bad.... It might also be a good chance to visit the Meiji Shrine to pray for good luck in the new school year...' you thought to yourself as you made little notes on a post-it. You were jotting down places you wanted to see in the different areas in hopes that maybe looking at them side by side you'd be able to choose more easily. 

As you sat there trying to decide what to do with your day, the image of the boy with dark grey eyes and black fluffy hair popped into your mind. He was tall and slender, but his hold on you was strong. He seemed like a nice person, but he also seemed a little reverse. You couldn't help but wonder if he lived around that area or if he was just passing through... Would you be able to see him again? You shook your thoughts away as you felt the heat rising to your cheeks. You compared your post-its one last time before deciding you'd check out Harajuku. You could never turn down a chance for a shopping trip. 

And with that you hopped into bed and drifted off to dream world.


You woke up the next morning feeling refreshed. It startled you a bit when you realized that this wasn't the same home you were used to, but quickly remembered that you had moved to Tokyo. You did some morning stretches to help wake your body up before getting ready to face the day. It was still a little chilly outside, given that it was still early spring, and decided to dress on the warmer side. You wore a mid-length beige skirt over some warm leggings, a dark brown long sleeve shirt, and a thick oversized-knit cardigan over it. You grabbed your purse and double-checked you had everything you needed. Then quickly made your way downstairs to grab a quick bite of breakfast. 

"Where are you off to today, honey?" you mom asked as she set down food in front of you.

"Oh, I saw online that there's a place called Harajuku that's good for shopping. Also there was a shrine in the area too, so i was hoping that I could go to pray for luck for the new school year," You said as you started to eat your breakfast. 

"Oh that sounds lovely... Just be careful, okay? If you get lost just call one of us." 

"I'm sure I'll be fine mom. I have a phone with GPS on it!" you chuckled as you reassured your mom that you would be fine. 

After you finished your breakfast, you said goodbye to your mom before you headed on your way. You looked at your phone for the directions to Harajuku. It didn't seem too complicated. Plus it looked like you had to transfer at Shibuya, so on the way back you could probably stop there for a little bit to explore as well. On your way to the station you passed Le Blanc, and noticed that it was closed. You were a little sad because coffee in the morning was always a good thing, but it looked like you could get some on the way home instead. 

You got into the station and got on the train headed towards Shibuya. It was a quick ride, not too far from your station. But boy were you surprised when you got off. There was so many people, not to mention the directions seemed to confuse you. Instead of wandering helplessly through the seemingly endless station you stopped on the side to carefully look at what line you needed to transfer to. You looked up and saw a couple signs but none of them seemed like the one that you needed to take. You puffed your cheeks out and let out a deep sigh. This was definitely proving more difficult than the google maps made it seemed. You took one more glance around to see if there was a map of the station nearby when you heard a voice behind you.

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