The 'Stalker'

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After your outing with Akechi, you couldn't get him out of your mind. When you closed your eyes that night you could see was him pulling you out of the path of the bicycle and holding you close. Your heart beat loudly in your chest as you looked up into his brown eyes. They held a look of concern and worry, but there was a softness behind them, a look that you'd never forget. For such a formal and straight-forward man, that softness in his eyes was surprising yet captivating. For a few nights after, your dreams would be that scene on repeat and you waking up with your heart pounding loudly and sweat beading your forehead. 

It wasn't scary, but the moment made your heart race. 

As the new week rolled around, the memory faded to the back of your mind as it was once again occupied by Ren and Ryuji. The two boys who were by your side almost all the time. 

"(y/n)~~!!! You gotta help me with this homework!" Ryuji pleaded as he pouted at you, grasping on to your arm. 

You laughed as you glanced at Ren, "Fine. But you gotta buy me cake today!" 

"Eh?! But you have cake all the time!" 

"Exactly! You're stealing my precious cake time!" You stuck your tongue out at him as you pulled your arm out of his grasp and sat more on the extra desks that sat on the roof. 

You ended up hanging out with Ren and Ryuji more during lunch since Ann seemed to be preoccupied with some things and also she would go see Shiho. You didn't mind though, you were just fine hanging out with the two boys more. As the three of you sat up there eating lunch together, you would often talk about classes and what you guys were going to do after school. Most of time they would just agree to whatever you suggested, which was getting dessert at the cafe you liked to frequent in Shibuya. 

Ren gazed up at you watching you bicker with Ryuji yet again, but he only watched your smiling face. Captivated by every movement and expression, there was nothing else like it in his world. He wasn't as talkative as Ryuji but he would take that time to just observe and watch. 

"Ren~!" You pouted as you pulled him out of your thoughts. 

He blinked and blushed slightly not sure if he was caught staring at you or not, but decided to just look at the situation hoping that you would explain what he needed to do.

"Tell him that my cake time is precious~" You scrunched your face at Ryuji before hopping off of the desk to stand behind Ren. 

It took a couple seconds for the male to figure out what the two of you were talking about and chuckled, "Ryuji... you know she has to have her cake after school... or she'll get grumpy..." he said softly.

You nodded as you dangled your arms over Ren's shoulders and placed your chin on the top of his head. He was so tall that when he was sitting down it was the only time you could do this to him. Ren only chuckled allowing you to have your way, but also relishing in the slight jealousy that flashed across Ryuji's face. They may be friends, but when it came to who would get your attention, it was war so to speak. 

Ryuji groaned, "Fine. But you can't pick more than two slices this time!" 

You jumped raising your arms in victory, "Yay!!! Oh! We can study at my house today if you guys are okay with that? ...Besides I think the staff at that cake are starting to give me weird looks when I go there...." 

"That's because we go there almost every day!" Ryuji retorted and shook his head as he stuffed the last piece of his bread into his mouth. 

You frowned, "We don't go everyday..." 

Ren laughed once more and looked back at you. He reached up to poke your cheek, "It's okay, we don't mind going there with you." 

A bright smile lit up your face once more at the boy's words and ruffled his hair gently, "Really?!" 

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