Movie Night

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After enduring the long school week, finally it was Saturday. You looked at the clock in anticipation, there was only five minutes left before class ended. You could feel your lips turn up into an excited smile as the timed inched closer to the end of the day. You tried your hardest to remain focused on the class, but you couldn't help it. Your brain was everywhere else but on the subject at hand. You took a quick glance at the other students around you, everyone seemingly as excited as you were for the weekend. 

"Okay class! Remember next week papers are due!" The teacher made one last announcement as everyone was packing their things. 

"Thank you!" The students said their farewell to the teacher before they turned to their friends to discuss what they had planned for the weekend. 

Ann got up and waved at you, "Sorry (y/n)-chan~ I got a job to get to! See you next week!" 

You waved at her, "Bye Ann-chan!" 

After you said your goodbye, you turned your full attention to Ren. He was slowly packing his bag. You walked over to him and leaned against the window as you waited patiently for him. You couldn't help but let your eyes roam over his features. They were quite angular and sharp, while his eyes were round and soft. He was handsome and he definitely had some charm to him. If the other girls in the school didn't let the fact that he had a criminal record get to him, you were sure that he'd easily be the most popular guy. He noticed your presence and glanced up at you, giving one of those smiles that seemed to warm your heart. A light pink shade appearing on your cheeks, but disappeared as fast as it had arrived. 

"Ready?" He asked as he hoisted the book bag over his shoulder.

You nodded and pushed yourself off the wall, leading the way out of the classroom. As always, when the two of you walked through the school halls together there was always a few people whispering rumors about the two of you. Most of the time it was a 'are they dating?' or a 'she could do much better than that delinquent' and even a 'how the hell did he end up with her?!' But by now you learned to brush it off, especially since Ren didn't let it bother him. The hallways were slowly emptying as the students left or made their way to sports practice.

You looked up at Ren, "We're meeting him by the front gate, right?" 

Ren nodded as he held the door open for you. You smiled a thanks to him before heading out. Not long after the two of you exited the building were you met with an energetic blonde boy waving to get your attention. His actions only made you giggle as you skipped up to him. 

"Ryuji~!" You grinned up at him as he blushed seeing you so close. No matter how much the three of you hung out together, there were times where Ryuji's feelings would get the best of him and make his heart race. Especially when you called out his name sweetly and smiled at him. To him there was no greater feeling than having someone as beautiful and as kind as you acknowledge him. 

Ren definitely noticed when Ryuji would get flustered by something you did. Of course, Ren had his moments too, but he tried to conceal it the best he could. Especially since he knew that Ryuji was a rival. The tall boy with black, messy hair made his way over to the two of you and chuckled seeing how you were teasing Ryuji for getting flustered. 

"I think that's a new shade of pink you've turned!" You laughed as you gently pinched his cheeks. 

"Quit it will ya!" Ryuji swat your hands away from his face and furrowed his eyebrows to feign annoyance. "Bro! Tell her she can't be saying shiz like that!" 

Ren only laughed and shook his head, "Let's go, or we'll miss the train." 

You stuck your tongue out at Ryuji before running to catch up to Ren who had started to head towards the station. You playfully linked arms with Ren as the two of you were walking away. Ren only blushed a little as he glanced down at you while you were laughing at Ryuji. 

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