On the Way Home

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After exiting the station at Harajuku, you found yourself immersed in a diversity of style and fashion. You've never seen anything like it. You took your cellphone out, snapping a few photos of some interestingly dressed people to take in some ideas. You had always dreamed of becoming a fashion designer after college. You had an interest in the fashion world and how people put looks together. Harajuku was perfect for that given that the streets were lined with many walks of life expressing themselves through their clothes. 

Being surrounded by so many clothing stores, you couldn't help but buy... perhaps a bit too much. Or at least that's what your dad would say when you'd come home with many bags on your arms. You had donated a lot of your old clothes that you no longer wore before the move, and you wanted new items to symbolize the start of your new journey in the city. 


After a few hours of wandering around and shopping you decided to head home. You ended up buying more than you thought you would, so stopping in Shibuya on the way back was gonna be impossible. In fact, you could just barely carry the bags you had from your shopping in Harajuku. Luckily for you, on the way back it was easier to find your transfer back home since you kind of remembered the way. Also the flow of people helped a lot.

Once you got to Yongen, you couldn't help but notice all the people that would give you glances because of how many bags you had carried. As you walked through the back alleys to get home, the bags felt heavier than they did before. Perhaps it was fatigue from your adventure day finally setting in. You stopped for a brief moment, but at the sight of the cafe you decided maybe you needed a bit of rest before you started heading home again. You struggled to open the door and stumbled in once you managed to get it open. Who you assumed was the owner of the cafe just stared at you, with your arms filled with shopping bags.

"Whoa.... shopping spree, huh?" He laughed as he recognized you as the girl from the day before. "You gonna get something this time or just stopping to rest?" 

You looked up and chuckled at the man, "Oh! I'm back like I promised! I'm sorry I'm gonna take up a whole table with my bags though..." 

He shook his head, "Doesn't matter to me, not like the place will fill up anyway. What are ya having?" 

"Um... Whatever coffee you'd recommend, Sir!" You grinned as you placed the bags on the bench before sliding into the empty side.

"Don't call me sir, my name's Sojiro Sakura. But, just call me Boss. Most people call me that anyway." 

You nodded and relaxed back into the seat. You closed your eyes for a second before you heard a ding from your phone, signalling that you had received a text message. 

{txt from: Akechi-san} No thank you! You managed to make my day a little brighter thanks to our little chat. I hope to chat with you again.

You smiled at the text remembering the kind boy you had met earlier that day. He was quite cute and nice to talk to. You're thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the bell, signalling that another person had come in. You looked up from your phone to see the boy from yesterday, that you embarrassingly walked into. Your eyes met for a brief second and he gave you a soft smile. He instantly recognized your face, but he was surprise that you had found the shop. Without any words he walked past and walked up the stairs in the back of the cafe. 

"Hey, before you get carried away come help me out down here for a bit!" Sojiro called out to the mysterious boy.

You watched quietly, your attention now on the boy that had come back down and put on an apron. He seemed quiet, but it didn't look like he left anything unnoticed. When your cup of coffee was finished, he had brought you the cup and placed it in front of you. 

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