The Accident

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Trigger warning! There will be mention about Shiho's accident with none of the details, but if you have played the game you know what happens. 

The morning seemed to flash by in a second. 

Ba-dmp. Ba-dmp. Ba-dmp. 

The sound of your heart beat loudly in your ears and time seemed to freeze. You heard gasps and collective murmurs as fellow classmates crowded by the windows. The familiar blond hair of your friend, Ann, dashed past you down the hallway. Before you could even think, your feet started to move, following her through the hallways. 

There was a huge crowd circling the courtyard area. You gently pushed your way through the crowd to see what the commotion was. But, you already knew. The whispers of the school had told you. When you emerged, you could see Ann on her knees in tears as the body of her friend, Shiho, laid motionless in the soft grass. Your body started to tremble at the sight. 

'Did she really-' the thoughts flooded your mind, and your mind felt numb. 

Suddenly your vision was blocked and you felt your body being turned gently. You soon could feel the warmth and deep breaths of another, their arms holding you protectively as they could feel your smaller frame trembling. 

"....Don't look...." the voice whispered. You instantly recognized Ryuji's voice, but it was different from his normal tone. He was gentle and protective. His grip tightened ever so slightly to try to calm you down. You took a few deep breaths as you stood there in his protective grasp. Surprisingly, Ryuji was reliable and soft when it came to anything concerning your safety. Even though the two of you would bicker like children, he was always there for you. 

Your body was still trembling lightly, but you soon felt another hand on your shoulder. You didn't have to look to know who it was. You couldn't be more thankful to have those two boys by your side. Even though you all had only become acquainted only a few short weeks ago, the three of you grew close to each other. 

"Alright, back to your classes!" you heard the sound of the principal trying to disperse the crowd of students. 

At that you gently pulled away from Ryuji's grasp and looked up at him. He looked down at you, a reassuring smile on his lips, while his eyes held a look of concern and gentleness. You took another deep breath before you looked to the side to glance at Ren, who was also smiling softly at you. 

"You okay, now?" Ryuji asked softly. 

You nodded, "Thanks..."


The next day, Ann had returned to school. She looked horrible. Her face was pale and eyes had lost their sparkle. But then again, who wouldn't be changed after witnessing the events of yesterday. Your heart was heavy as you thought about the worries that your precious friend might be having at the moment, or the trauma she might be dealing with. Once the bell rang, signalling the lunch break, you got up and immediately went over to Ann. Without saying anything you hugged the blond tightly. Her arms instantly wrapped around your body as well, her face burying into the crook of your neck. 

"I made us some homemade lunch, shall we eat together?" you asked softly as you pulled away slightly.

She smiled slightly and nodded, "That sounds nice." 

You looked over at Ren and smiled at him, he nodded already knowing that Ann probably needed the friend. Plus, he had to talk with Ryuji about some things. You and Ann made your way out of the classroom, holding hands. The two of you made your way out to a different area of the courtyard that was a bit more secluded. The two of you sat on a bench as you pulled out the big bento you had made that morning. 

"....How's Shiho doing?" you asked carefully as you handed Ann a pair of chopsticks after handing her the bento you had made for her. 

She smiled softly, "She's doing alright... the doctors said she's lucky that she managed to only sustain some injuries and didn't... you know..." 

You nodded, "That's a relief... how are you feeling?" 

"I- I just can't help but feel like I could have done something to protect her... Am I a bad friend?" Ann asked quietly as she shoved some food into her mouth. 

"No! I think you're an amazing friend!" 

Ann chuckled softly, "Thanks for all this, (y/n)-chan... I don't know what I would have done without you here to comfort me..." 

You could only smile sadly at the other girl. You wanted to help and comfort her in any way you could, but you wouldn't be able to understand her pain completely. For now, just being by her side and being there for her would have to do. The two of you finished your lunch with some light-hearted conversation about other things. Talking about the events of yesterday would only make the two of you dwell further on those sad emotions. 

After finishing and wrapping your containers back up in the cloth you carried them in, the two of you started to head back towards the classroom. But on your way back you could hear two familiar voices chatting away. You couldn't help but eavesdrop at the mention of Kamoshida, and of course Ryuji's swearing. You glanced at Ann and she seemed to have noticed as well. The two of you crept closer and hid behind the wall closest to where the two were chatting. For some reason they were talking about palaces and Kamoshida and treasure. It was a bizarre conversation that you weren't quite sure you followed. But, before you noticed, Ann was gone from your side and she was standing in front of the two males. 

You gasped and made your way out to stand by her side as well. The two boys looked shocked, but their eyes widened further when they saw you step out from behind the wall as well. 

"If you're going to do something about Kamoshida, I want in too," Ann stated firmly. 

"We're not gonna do anything," Ryuji said as he tried to lie. But you had known him enough to easily see when he was lying. 

"You're lying..." you added softly. 

"I-I'm not! Besides... it's dangerous," Ryuji stuttered and averted his eyes away from you. 

Ann tried to put up more of a fight, but the two boys wouldn't budge. They didn't even give out much information about what they were planning. Ann gave up with a heavy sigh after a few minutes. 

"Let's go, (y/n)-chan..." she said as she grabbed your arm to pull you away as well. As the two of you walked away, you glanced back at the boys once more and were met with sad looks. 

"They're definitely planning to do something..." You said once you were farther away from them. 

"Yeah... Ryuji isn't a good liar," Ann nodded in agreement, "... After school... let's follow them." 

You blinked in surprise  for a couple seconds before you nodded, "Okay. We should try to act as normal as possible so Ren doesn't catch on to us." 


Sorry, this one is a short one! The next chapter will be longer. I decided to cut this chapter here because if not the chapter would end up reeaaaaallly long! Please anticipate the next chapter!

You all are amazing and I hope you are staying safe during these trying times!


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