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the two held eye contact with each other, until ryujin started to slowly move closer and then kissed chaeryeong softly.

chaeryeong was stunned at first, she didn't know what to do. after all, it was her first kiss. but she indeed knew one thing, she knew herself that she didn't want to stop.

as ryujin was about to pull away, chaeryeong responded to the kiss.

they both felt butterflies at the pit of their stomach. they were in eternal bliss. their lips moved together in sync.

they started off slowly kissing each other until it got more heated.

ryujin had her arms around chaeryeong's waist while chaeryeong had hers around ryujin shoulders, pulling them closer to each other.

ryujin nibbled on chaeryeong's bottom lip asking for permission which chaeryeong gladly gave.

ryujin swallowed every whine that came out of chaeryeong.

chaeryeong pulled away first, catching her breath. ryujin leaned her forehead against chaeryeong as they enjoyed each other's embrace after a heated session.

"let's go eat dinner, hm?" ryujin asked softly

chaeryeong nodded.

ryujin couldn't help but notice how hot chaeryeong looked after their make out. panting, with her cheeks tinted a deep red, and her captivating luscious lips all plump, red, and covered in spit.

they walked over to the mat ryujin has placed earlier and started eating the food ryujin bought.



"did that kiss mean anything to you?" chaeryeong asked all of a sudden which kind of startled ryujin

ryujin looked at chaeryeong right in the eyes,

"I've always liked you, yeongie. and that kiss means a lot to me."


"really."  ryujin answered.

after they finished eating it was already 10 in the evening but both of them still wanted to stay for at least one more hour. it was a weekend tomorrow anyways, they both thought.

they both took off their shoes stepping into the cold water and just walking around.

ryujin decided to break the silence and aslo ask chaeryeong a question.

"hey, yeongie?"

chaeryeong hummed, signaling that she was listening to ryujin as they continued walking just feeling the cold water at their feet.

"chaeryeong, this might be too fast but I'll give it a shot and ask you this.."

"yeongie, will you  be my girlfriend?" ryujin asked nervously

chaeryeong stopped walking and slowly turned around to face ryujin.

she thought about it for a second and lightly smiled at ryujin

"i don't see why not. yes, I will be your girlfriend."

ryujin's eyes twinkled in joy as she went to chaeryeong and hugged her

chaeryeong hugged her back. ryujin had her head on the crook of chaeryeong's neck causing her breath to fan over her neck making chaeryeong feel shivers up her spine

they both went back to the shore afterwards and started picking up their things and cleaning up.

chaeryeong was going to pick up the basket until ryujin insisted that she would be doing it since she didn't want to tire out her baby.

this dork is so sweet, omg. chaeryeong thought as she followed closely behind ryujin

ryujin placed the basket at the trunk and went in inside the driver's seat.

time skip

the two had finally arrived infront of chaeryeong's house. it saddened them both that they already had to part ways and how the day ended so quickly.

"jinnie~ thank you so much for today. i had such a blast!" chaeryeong said as she smiled brightly at ryujin

"anything for my baby" ryujin smirked as she saw chaeryeong blush

"y-yah! stop it!" chaeryeong playfully hit  ryujins's shoulder

"i will. in one condition." ryujin said with a hint of mischievousness in her eyes

chaeryeong looked at her with curiousness evident on her face as ryujin continued

"kiss me." ryujin stated smugly


"princess, I'm sure you heard me loud and clear." ryujin continued to tease the already flustered chaeryeong

"o-okey..." chaeryeong wasn't going to lie, she very much enjoyed the kiss she shared earlier with ryujin

"wait, r-really?" ryujin didn't expect chaeryeong to agree, she was just teasing her girlfriend

chaeryeong just nodded and leaned closer to ryujin. ryujin who felt giddy didn't even waste a second as she connected her and chaeryeong's lips together.

this time though, they didn't start of softly. ryujin placed her hand on the back of chaeryeong's head to pull her closer.

chaeryeong gaped when she felt ryujin push her closer, causing ryujin to enter her tounge.

chaeryeong tried to fight for dominance but failed miserably as ryujin sucked on her tongue causing the brown haired girl to moan.

ryujin smirked at how it was so easy to make chaeryeong submit to her.

ryujin pulled away causing chaeryeong to whine lightly, yet ryujin still heard her.

"now, now, baby. you'll still get more kisses from me soon."

chaeryeong hid her face with the use of her palm because of the embarrassment she felt

ryujin chuckled at how cute chaeryeong was acting

"I-I'll get going now! s-see you on Monday!" chaeryeong waved at ryujin quickly as she hopped off of ryujin's car, but of course not without leaving a peck on ryujin cheek.

"· · ──────·本·────── · ·"

wow, so this was a tad bit longer than usual. 🤷🏻‍♀️😂
stream stay tonight by chungha or else I'll strangle you, just kidding! but please do stream her song HAHAHA!

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