Chapter 5

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It's been a whole week since Ezio's been here, he ... didn't pick up history at all. He was asleep for the most part of it, not taking much interest until I mentioned the revolutionary wars that popped up around the war. He did, however, learned technology much faster than the other two. 

I learned that he has a very ... flirty attitude, with every chance he gets he would send a flirt my way. I hate to admit but ... he is very handsome, and has a charismatic personality. Not to mention, being surrounded by three very fit men can do something to a girl like me. 

"Belle!" Ezio shouted from ... somewhere in the house. 

"Yeah!?" I shouted back, not looking up from my work as I try to decipher the ancient writing on a sheet of paper on my desk. 

"What does he want now?" Malik questioned in an annoyed tone, seeming to roll his eyes. Malik and Altair both have taken interest in my work, constantly looking over my shoulder or just reading an ancient book I translated while they would check on me every now and then. 

"He probably forgot how to work the moving box again." Altair commented from where he laid on my bed. 

"It's called a TV novice." Malik countered, looking back down at his book. 

Ezio walking into the room, carrying a smoking toaster into the room, "It uh ... started smoking."

"What did you do?" Altair questioned, looking over at the Italian assassin. 

"I didn't do anything!" Ezio snapped, "Stop accusing me."

"He's right." I butt in, gaining everyone's attention. "He didn't do anything, it's been doing that recently. Just stick outside in the shade." I say with a wave of my hand, not looking up from my work. 

"Shouldn't you get another one by now?" Malik questioned, looking up from his book to look over at me. 

"Shouldn't you be done with that book by now?" I countered with a smirk, looking over at Malik. 

Ezio laughed, nearly dropping the toaster while Altair had a smug grin on his face. Malik simply glared before letting out of huff, grumbling something in arabic as he focused back on the story. 

We all freeze as he heard a large thump downstairs along with a few curse words. We all looked at one another, before I let out a sigh, "Well let's see who came this time." I stood up, Ezio taking the lead while Malik and Altair took the rear. 

We walked downstairs seeing a mass of four men, one had tied up blonde hair and ocean blue eyes. He had tanned skin, brown and white robes with two swords on both hips, along with two pistols strapped to his chest looking as if it came from around the 16 to 1700's. 

Another man had tied up brown hair, similar blue eyes to the blonde, light skin, and was dressed in blue robes wearing a blue hat. Beside him was a man with a single scar down his eye, dark, almost black, brown hair, chocolate brown eyes, light skin, and was wearing red and black robes. 

The last man had dark caramel skin, dark brown eyes, a large mass form, and was wearing white and blue robes. A tomahawk strapped to his back, along with a few bird feathers on his robes. 

My eyes sparkled as I immediately recognized what time period they were from, they must be around the time when the new world was discovered. They might also be a part of the Revolutionary war as well. Ezio noticed the excitement in my eyes saying, "Stay back for now belle. Just have to double check they are actually one of us." 

I pouted but nodded, standing back for Malik and Altair to pass me as the three of them stood over the mass of the men. The blonde one stood up first, looking around in confusion till his eyes landed on the three males standing in front of me. Altair had his arms crossed, his normal scowl on his face. 

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