chapter 1

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Bakugo's pov

I hate a lot of things but the one thing I hate more then DEKU is feeling weak. There are very few things that make me feel weak and that's why I hate being cold, cold makes me want to stay in bed the whole day with my blankets.

The UA dorms a/c isn't working because pickachu thought it would be a good idea to see if he could make it hotter by zapping it (he broke it). Our teacher said that the repairs and clean ups only come on the weekend, and it was Monday, he didn't even fucking try to call them to get an early repair.

I woke up still cold as fuck but I had to get ready for school. I grab my towel and head to my bathroom to shower and get dressed, when I'm done I open and slam my door when I walk out I shove my hands in my pockets.

I see shitty hair from the corner of my eye he walks over and slings his arm over my shoulder "Morning" he said. "Tch" I gave him in response but he didn't care, we continued to walk I didn't tell him off to much because he was giving me warmth and I don't really want him to leave me alone.

*Time skip*

Shitty hair and I get to the gates of UA and he take his arm off of me I was I little sad but I can't let him see, I start to walk in front of him

why do I care what he thinks

I thought to myself

why is he only on I'm nice to him

I felt my face heat up and start to walk a little faster

it's not like I like him, right.

"Of course not don't be stupid" I said to myself "who's being stupid?" Kirishima said snapping me out of my thoughts "non of your fuckn' business" he just put his arm around my shoulder "okay bro" as we walk in the hallway shitty hair's friends came to talk to him.

"Hey kiri" raccoon eyes said she hugged him. "Mina, hi to you too" he said pushing her off of him they kept on talking. "Morning everyone" Kiri said. He got two mornings back from sero and kaminari

When we get to the classroom I see everyone already in there chair, I sit down and class stared. Soon aizawa fell asleep which meant we had a free period I see all the other extras gather in there on friend groups or what not but I couldn't care less about talking to people "Bakugo" I look up from my desk to see shitty hair looking at me and waving for me to go over, I didn't want to talk to all those people he was with so I just shoot him a dirty look and put my head back on the desk.

Why did I do that what if I fuck up the one good friendship I have. That's it! that why I'm soft on him, not cause I like him that would be ridiculously ridiculous I just want him to stay my friend.

I lift my head a little an look over at him and he saw me and look me in the eye and pouted he eyes were big and round and his bottom lip stuck out he was so cute

Ugh what am I thinking

I flip him off and turn around before he can see me blush it wasn't a lot but stupid deku saw my face.

That was the first chapter I hope you like it 💜👉👈 I don't know if people are going to read this but if you are thank you I will be putting up as many chapters as I can I think I will be updating on random days

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