chapter 9

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We walk into the tall cold as fuck building "were to go first" the pink girl said while taping here finger on her lips "I want to go get something to eat" the yellow hair boy said "we can do that after" the pink rock girl said. "I know" raccoon eyes announce. She just walked in she didn't tell us what we're going to do first but we didn't really question her.

I just want to get a fucking sweater so I'm not so cold all the time, besides this is the last day for me to sleep with dumb hair. I wanted the heater to be fixed but I still wanted to be close to him at the same time.

"Why is everything so complicated" I though out loud "hmm, what's bothering you" ears said "oh what n-nothing go talk to your boyfriend" "he's not my boyfriend" she blushed. "What ever makes you sleep at night" i chuckled.

"Hurry up guy! I wanted to go to hot topic because I know jirou had been wanting to go, and I feel like bakugo would like the stuff they have" raccoon eyes had said, her hands on her hips and she was waiting for us to catch up but we weren't even to far.

"YES" ears said pumping her fist into the sky "Alright let's go". When we walk into the mall there was a lot of people and stores but since target was right in front of us we went there first.
It was actually really fun dunce face got one of the pool noodles and started to swing them at all of us so we all got one and hit him back.

He got a new game for his Xbox while I got new beats earbuds and the girls got makeup even though jirou doesn't really use it. We started to play tag in there but they had to kick us out because raccoon eyes yelled when she got tagged, we left and I saw minda pick up her phone.

"Guys sero's on his way over" she said "to bad he missed all of the fun" pickachu said. "Tell him to head over to Hot Topic because that's were we are going" I muttered "okay" she grabbed her phone out of her pocket and then started to type. We all started to walk over and when I saw it I knew I would like it it was really 'goth' and giving a 'i don't give a fuck' vibe.

But inside the story was even better then had a lot of good stuff that u would wear "LOOK! LOOK!" Raccoon eyes was pointing at a shirt that said 'stop reading this you extra' "YOU HAVE YO GET IT"
it is pretty cool but I'm hear for a sweater, so thanks but no thanks. Just then sero walked in "hey guys" he treated us. I went aroud the store and I found a sweater it was a black sweater with a skull on it. Once everyone got something we left

"Immmmmmm hunnnnngry~" Pikachu said with a pout. "Okay let's go get something to eat and it's one because I made you wait for so long" sero said rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. "I'm so down" ears said. "But what do you want to eat" the pink girl asked he about some cheeseburger" I suggest.

They nod there heads in agreement so we walk off. Once we get there we ordered and take a seat to wait. "We finally get are heater fixed" ears said "I know I can't wait to got home and sleep and wake up tomorrow to a new working heater" pinky replied

I didn't want to get involved with there conversation so I just sat then and thought but soon enough we got our food and we all ate I was trying not to make a mess on me because when we go back I was planing to sleep with kiri on last time before the heater was back. So I had to sleep in my room and fall asleep by myself.

Once everyone finished they left to use the restroom I was good so I just sat there I saw Mina walk back over to the table she had this devilish look in here eye. She just sat down in from of me and said


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