chapter 11

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Since I have seen sleeping in the same room as him for about a week I have some of my clothes in his room. But because of my stupid blush I rushed over with out getting a single thing of clothes all I had was a towel. Relax, just dry up a bit and walk out like nothing and grad you clothes he wouldn't mind.

I grab my towel and wrap it around my waist once again then walk out side i see shitty hair already on his bed facing the wall. I move to the drawer full of my clothes I grab then and change right in his room he didn't move so I was safe.

He might actually be alseep, once I finish changing and climb into his bed to see if he really is sleeping. I slowly turn him over and he was, I didn't want to wake him so I carefully get in his bed and pull the covers over myself. I wrapped my arms around his stomach and intertwine my legs this his

I close my eyes and bask in all this warmth it was really good and I'm so glad I have a friend like him because i feel i can say anything around him but because of that i don't want mess up what ever we had.

Im not a careful thinker so it makes me even more scared be cause I know that im going to screw this all up. Im brought out of thought when I notice that shitty hair now turned his body a little and he was now inches way from my face.

His hot breath hit my neck and I felt chills go down my spine, I couldn't help but open my eyes to see the cute red head his face was still really close to mine I couldn't contain myself, I move closer to plant a soft kiss on his forehead I wanted us to be like this all the time.

My thoughts of being with kiri where shut down when the thought of sleep entered my mind. Not long after the room is filled with soft snores and cold winds and sweet dreams.

Next morning


I woke up to a rather loud sound I don't think and thing of it so I tried to go back to sleep but my body didn't let me, so I got up and slowly pushed shitty hair's arm off of me. I was still wearing pajamas's so I decided to change before he woke up.

As I slid my shirt off from what was cold air was warmer than before I wonder why? WAIT IS IT FRIDAY! I stood there with shook on my face "hey are you okay" the red haired sunshine said with a yawn "yeah, i-im fine I was just thinking" I said trying to reassure him that I was okay. "About what" he said when he finished rubbing his eye.

"It's nothing" I said putting on my blazer and putting on my pants. "Oh okay" he said with a sleepy smile he got up and I went to the bathroom to redo my hair while he was changing.

Oh god it's Friday that means that the heater is going to work now, wait it that why it was warmer when I was changing. But not because of the heater I can't sleep here because wouldn't have an excuse to be here ಥ_ಥ

* knock knock *

"Hold on" I unlock the door and walk out so he could use the bathroom to do his hair, personal I think he looks cuter with his hair down but he likes it up, so it whatever. I walk out of his room to get something to eat. I saw raccoon eyes and ears taking to sero, I was going to go back to shitty hair's room but I feel hands on my back pushing me to them.

"Cut it out unless you want to die" I said in a low tone voice "okay okay" I turn to see dunce face, "but come on let's go over" he winded "like hell" I turn back around and start waking "HEY BAKUGO COME SIT DOWN SATO  MADE PANCAKES" the highschool girl said "Tch, fine only cause Sato made then I'm sure if one of you extras made it it would taste like shit"

"Chill out" I here someone say from behind me, soon enough I felt a arm over my shoulder "oi morning shitty hair" I said with a smirk "once again my hair is manly not shitty" I just click my tounge and walk over to the kitchen pull out a chair and sat down

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