chapter 10

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"So..." I turn to meat her gaze and I feel a chill go down my spine "So what's up with you and Kiri. lately I have been seeing you go to his room at night" she said ten took a sip of her soda "i-i don't know what your talking about" I replied I couldn't bring myself to look at her.

"Baku, honey you don't have to lie to me cause I already know" she said with a giggle. "I just want to know if you like him" I didn't know what to say I was so caught off guard by what she had said I felt my face heat up a little but it wasn't enough for me to blush "bakugo, looks at me. Do you like him?"

I didn't know what to say or what to do so I slowly lifted my head so that I was now looking at her. She knew because she could see the amount of love I had in my eyes it was something that you can't say out loud because you might actually lack the words feelings you really have. "It's okay that's all I needed to know" she got up and started to walk off but I could help my self I grabbed her wrist.

Shit why did I grab her. There was a feeling that grew in my chest, it was the same as when I was talking to stupid deku about my feelings why do I get like this when ever I talk about me feeling why can't I be normal "p-please d-dont tell anyone about this" I was still holding her wrist and I was looking at my shoes "I know bakugo but you have to man up, you know get your shit straight" she said with a laugh "hey, you know you can look at me right" I slowly look up at her and I feel like I'm going to cry.

I don't know why there is no reason of me to but I just feel them in my eyes waiting to fall I but I I'm better then this and I have pride I don't want anyone to see me like this, I have to leave.

"Tell the others I said bye" i said in a rather shakey voice God I'm really falling apart "why? We're are you going" she said "I just can't right now I need to fucking leave I need to spend what ever little time I have left with shitty hair before I mess up the one and only true friendship I have ever had" I whisper.

She dramatically gasped I couldn't help but to roll my eyes "Tch, you know what your not that bad" I mumbled "WHAT WAS THAT" She yelled "IM NOT FUCKING REPEATING MY SELF" she started to laugh a little "Okay then I'll tell them you left, and don't worry your promise is safe with me" she said pointing at herself with her thumb. I don't want to say anything more so I got my phone out and when to messages.


Hey shitty hair are
you awake

Shitty hair

I'm going to go to bed
In a little why?


Can I sleep with you

Shitty hair

Sure did you want
to watch a movie
Or something

Nah I just want to
go to bed when I
Get there

Shitty hair

Oh ok, I can't wait
(・-・) \(・◡・)/

Tch whatever

God he's so stupid, why did I fall in love with him I laugh a little. I rush home I don't want him to go to sleep before I get there because then I won't be able to say this night and that would make me a even worse friend than I already am.

Shit what if he was lying and he was already sleeping and I woke him up. Nah why would he like about that. I finally make it to the dorms I see the cute red head walk into his room. So I walk in a few minutes after, he saw me and then tree him self on me "I missed you, after school I left and I didn't say bye I'm sorry"

I let him stay on my for a little I always enjoy his contact. Even thought it drives me crazy, when ever he does I feel my face heat up forming a blush.

Shit he can't see me like this. I move back a little and turn off the lights "bakugo why did you turn off the light I still have to be my bed" he said in a cute pouting voice. He lets go and I sigh a sigh of relief he turns on the lights and I rush over to the bathroom, I close the door and then calm down and get ready for bed you know brushing my teeth, taking a shower, ect.

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