chapter 4

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I grab all my extra blankets because I don't want to be fucking cold while I sleep. I redo my bed with the new blankets and then crawl under to get in bed. I turn off my light and close my eyes in hopes to fall a sleep.
It's no luck I couldn't sleep it's way to fucking cold. I try to not move and I feel my eyelids slowly close and my breath start to steady out.

I fall asleep for a while but I wake up from the cold and I can't feel the tips of my toes and fingers there just way to fucking  cold. I snuggle into my blankets a little more to see if I could get even I little bit of warmth, but it's no use I'm still cold as fuck. "I can't sleep like this" I mutter.

I sit up on my bed "what the hell do I do now" I said to myself I try one more time to fall back asleep but I could still feel the cold air lingering under my blankets they keep me from falling back asleep. "Fuck this" I mumbled I get out of my bed and grabbed my blankets.

I pull them off of me exposing me fully to the cold air. I quickly get up and make my way to my door, I slowly open it cause I don't want the others to wake up not cause im thinking about them because I was at my weakest right now

Once I'm out of my room I move to the room next to me, I lighty knock on the door.  Shitty hair didn't answer so I knocked a little louder he didn't answer that time either so I softly turn the doorknob and enter his dorm. For a second I just stand here and scan his room.

From the couple time that I've been in his room before for homework or studying but this was different it was always so bright like him, always welcoming. This time it was dark but not like my room.
For someone who's always so cheerful you would think that there room would be bright even in the dark.

I snap out of thought when I see a him shift a little. I walk closer to his bed to find him sleeping, I just look him and paying attention to ever detail on his face.
he really is handsome even with out any light you could pick out all of his features, but with all the moonlight on him he looked even more beautiful.

All my gay thoughts were still in my head I didn't see his sleepy eyes looking at me. "You do know that pictures last longer" he softly joked while adorable snuggling into his puffy blanket. I felt myself blush a little but because it was dark it was barely noticeable, whitch I was glad.

"I was knocking bit you didn't fucking answer so I just thought you wouldn't care if I came in" I said in a low tone because I had just woken him up. He just hummed as a reply. Before I could ask him to get in his bed or tell him why I was even here in the first place, he picked up his blanket with one hand and said "So are you going to get in or not"

I didn't say anything i just carefully climbed into his bed. I was now laying down next to him he let go of the blanket and it slowly fell onto my body. There was a little space in between me and shitty hair. Our feet touch and I could feel him tense up at the cold contact, but he didn't hesitate to wrap his strong arms  around me pulling me into a tight embrace.

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