chapter 6

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"Hey why do you always leave me" I heard a familiar voice say, I turn my head a little to see shitty hair. "The fuck you mean you left me the other day" I snapped back "I'm sorry I was going to wait for you but Mina pulled me away and I had to walk with her"

See why would he like you when he's straight. He likes Mina I know he does but why does...Why does it hurt to know

"You didn't have to" I mutter "what was that" he asked tilting his head a little like a puppy. "FUCKING NOTHING SHITTY HAIR" I yelled. "Geez okay and my hair is not 'shitty' I think it's pretty manly" he said with his arms crossed. I couldn't help but laugh a little. "WHOA, did.. did you just laugh"

Shit what do I say. I don't really want to laugh again. But I can't just ignore him.

Before I could say anything else his hands were on my shoulders and he turn my body so I could look at him straight in the eyes and then very serious said "Do it again" I wasn't going to because you know, I have pride but it was to funny I couldn't help myself and I gave out a light chuckle. He just looked at me and smiled "I didn't know you had any other emotions that didn't have to do with anger"

If only you knew my really feels not just my emotions

We keep walking with small talk her and there im not really one to talk so much, so most of it was dumb hair filling in the cold air with hot air and memories. I enjoy having him by my side

What if he was with me like this all the time I know he would be happy just like how I am right now but I know I can't change his feelings

*Time skip*

We get to the dorms, and because I did go to sleep early then everyone else I had to stay up longer than usual because I didn't have the balls to ask him if I could sleep with him again cause that's just weird.

He draged me with him to go talk with his friend, raccoon eyes and soy sauce sitting on the couch while ears and dunce face were sitting on the ground. I sat next to him while he sat next to raccoon eyes. They started to talk but I didn't feel like talking so I pulled out my phone and started to browse but there wasn't anything cool so I got up and walk to my room to get my earbuds because I had put them back in the morning

"Hey bakubro where are you going" dunce face said. "Tch, does it matter" "yeah it does, because we want you here" the red head chimed in.

See how he said we not I

"Tch" I continued to walk away. I wasn't stoped but it's not like I was expecting to be. I get in my room and grab my earbuds and walk out. I was going to go back to them because I don't want to be alone but I know I had to clear my thoughts a little and make sure I understand all of my feeling I want to be sure of all that I was thinking about.

Once I got to the common room I didn't stop I walked to the door to get out of the dorms but as I put my hand on the handle I felt a hand on my shoulder it spun me around to see the red head conserved. "Um, where are you going" he said "I have to clear my thoughts" I mutter "you know you can talk to me right. About anything" he said with a small smile.

I will, I will tell you I promise it's just I can't right now

I walk out of the building and put my earbuds in. At first my thoughts run wild I don't know what I should thing so I let my mind take over.

I will not be posting on the weekends (unless it's a late update) because I will most likely be working on or I have been wanting to make it's a haikyu fanfiction about tukkiyama.
Anyway thank you for understanding 💜

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