chapter 7

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At first I didn't run, I went to an other little park that was out side the school. I get there and I make sure to put on my music, I'm not one to listen to music in a different language but deku told me to listen to kpop and from a class I took I could understand most Korean but I wasn't fluent or anything. I find a station that said 'BTS' and pressed play.

My thoughts

Do I really like him; Yes obviously

But why; well he was always so happy that it made me happy. He would always be there for me and ask me what's wrong.

Is that all; no way, his smile always makes me my stomach do flips and he smell like strawberry's. He expects me for for me and doesn't care about my shitty personality

When did I fall for him; in the Calvary Battle, he was brave enough to take me on he really caught my eye

What if; no shut up it won't

I know but what if; it wont. Promise me.

The whole reason you came out here was to think about what ever you wanted, say what ever you want to say

Kay fine; I wish we were in a relationship. I would be there for him all the time. I would make sure he gets the love that he needs.

Who could you if you all always mad; I could change. I will change just for him I would be everything he needs and more

I stop jogging and sit down to catch my breath. The song that was playing caught my attention it was called 'butterfly' and the lyrics hit me in my feels the song was about a guy who was in love with a girl but was to scared to make a swing at her. "You're just like a Butterfly From afar, I steal glances; if we touch hands, will I lose you? You shine in this pitch darkness that is the butterfly effect Your light touches, I forget the reality at once" it sang.

This verses kinda reminds me of my relationship with kiri because I'm scared of what he will think of me if I do what my heart wants.

My thoughts continue to take over my thoughts run wild once again. But this time it wasn't what I thought about him it was he thought about me and how I see myself.

My thoughts

He will never see you in the way that you see him we have been over this; yeah I know but I wonder how he sees me

You mean like a friend; oh yeah, your right I'm not different from any of his other friends

Yeah but if that was true then why did he let you sleep with him; does... Does he have feelings for me

He's the only one that talks to me like I'm a real person.

I designed to go back to the dorms I still had BTS playing
they have a lot of love songs there where a lot of lines in there music that caught my attention "Is it you who changed (Is it you who changed) Or is it me (Or is it me) I hate this moment, this time flowing by We are changed you know Just like everyone you know" it sang. I could help but to stop and listen to the whole song.

It was getting pretty late so I started to jog back. I made it to the school jogging but I kinda got tired so I started to walk to the dorms. I open the door and find all the lights off the only one that was one was the kitchen light I walk over to find our teacher sitting there drinking coffee.

"I didn't know you were still awake" he said I'm a sleep deprived state. "Yeah, I went for a run and i can bad late, I guess" I replied and started walk to my room after we said night to each other. I was really tired and didn't really care but since I went for a run I was sweating and the it made me cold. I didn't care anymore about my thoughts and I didn't care it aizawa saw me but I went into shitty hair's room, and moves the blanket so I could get in his bed.

It was nice it was peaceful. There was nothing else that could make me more happy and calm then this moment I hate say sappy things like this but all this shit about having a crush really got my head thinking and my stomach doing flips but the thing I hate most out of all of this bullshit is heart. Having it hurt sucks but with all the excitement from him makes it skip a whole beat.

This time I rap my arms around him and pull him closer to me. My face in the crock of his neck I snuggle closer
He smells like strawberry's beautiful, lovely, red strawberry's
I feel my eyes slowly close

"I love you"

I softly whispered.

Before falling asleep myself
I hope you like this chapter
(人 •͈ᴗ•͈) (I had BTS ). I will not be posting on the weekends but I will try to make as many chapters as I can in the week also I don't know if I should make a Kiri POV or not

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