chapter 5

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When I woke up shitty hair still has his arms around my waist, and his face in my hair. At first I didn't want to get up because 1. its cold 2. I would wake him and 3 OMG HES HOLDING ME AND HES SO WARM, I COULD DIE AND HAVE NO REGRETS. But I know I had to because if it got to late people would see me leave him room and then I would have to deal with gossip

Everyone usually gets up a late but since it's a school day people need to get up early to fix themselves up so I had a least a couple minutes to leave with out anyone seeing. I wiggle my body a little to losen the grip that he had me in but it don't really help because he was still asleep.

I slowly turn around, I'm now facing his chest. He's still holding on to me so I slowly push him off me, and I see his eyes fluter open. His face turns red and let's go of my waist. I get up even though I didn't want to, I had to it was Tuesday and we still had school so I had to get dressed

When I fully get out of his bed then I make my way to us door I walk out and go next door to mine no one was a wake so I was in the clear. I got dressed and went to the bathroom to touch up my hair it wasn't to much but I do have a little bed head. I brush my teeth and wake out to get breakfast.

I got to the little kitchen part of the dorms and grab a piece of toast and sit on the far side of the couch because raccoon eyes was talking to dunce face about his want to be girl friend honestly I could careless. I got my phone and any earbuds and started to play random songs that were on my playlist.

The first song was normal it was by a person named rex orange county he had a nice voice and his songs were pretty good. School was going to start soon so I got up from the couch and walked over to the red heads dorm and knocked it was a rather loud know because it was daytime I didn't give a shit what the others think.

He opened the door and smiled
OMG sometimes I can't handle his smile it's way to fucking bright and meaningful it hurts my eyes I step aside so he could get out of his room. He closed and locked his door and swung his arms around my left arm. "Shitty hair cut it out" he looked up at me with a pout again and I knew what I couldn't say no.

"Tch" was all I could say "let hurry before were late to class" he said then looked forward no one really cared what we were doing then had there own things to worry about but I did see deku  looking at me and give me a thumbs up I feel my face heat up a little and because dumb hair was still holding my arm I could only use one hand to flip him off, but he wasn't really surprised.

*Time skip*

We get to our classroom and everything goes well it's like a normal day and when school ends me and shitty hair head to the dorms I don't know how to ask him if I could go over to his room at night but I think it was a one time thing right. I was just cold and because the red head is a good friend he let him stay in his room, besides it was just cold it's not like me wanted me there


He does care about you like you care about him and you that.
Who could he ever fall for a total douche like me

No not ever what are you think stupid

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