chapter 8

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It was like this for a while I would always find a way to stay up late so I didn't have to to fall asleep all on my own. I didn't ask him most of the time he would just wait for me to go over to his room it was Thursday and after today the heater would be fixed so I wouldn't have an excuse to go over to his room anymore. I couldn't bring myself to ask him I had to much of my own pride and I think he knows that.

*Time skip*

We all get to school and in our homeroom I saw raccoon eyes and dunce face sitting next to me they were talking about going somewhere after school. I didn't want to go at all but they saw me and just had to talk to me and tell me where they were going or what they're doing.

I didn't have time for this so was going to get up untill I saw that the only other has next to shitty hair and I wasn't in the mood for my emotions to go wild.

"We should all go to the mall" raccoon eyes said. "Sure but I don't have a lot of money" tape dispenser said. "It's fine you don't have to buy anything I just want to look at the cute new outfits they have" She said with a smile

"oh okay I'll go ask kiri if he wants to come to" dunce face walks over to shitty hair. I can see that there talking but I make out what there saying.

He eventually walks back over to our table and says that Kiri isn't come because he has some studying to do. " He's right we should study" i said "NO, I know that your only saying that because you don't wanna go but that's to bad we are going and I will drag you there if I have to" the pink girl said.

"But why the fuck do I have to go you guys never do anything fun" I replied not looking at them. They all put there hand on there chest and gasped dramatic "what are you talking about" pickachu said "everything we do is fun" soy sauce said "yeah you just have to wait and see" raccoon eyes said. "Well I guess there's no getting out of it" I huffed. "Your dang right you can't get out of this one" she said, I just rolled my eyes at her

Class finish and I hated ever single second of it because I knew that something was up she never wants to talk to me and now she was telling me to go with her to the mall and to make matters worse shitty hair isn't even fucking come I lt was going to be so boring.

"Hey bakubro hurry up before we leave you" dunce said "what did you say? you want me to go slowly cause I fucking will" I barked back "Okay geez" he said

Once I have all my stuff I walk over to him and we walk out of the classroom. He puts his arm over my shoulder just like shitty hair does but I immediately push  it off.

We found raccoon eyes and ears at the gate for our school "let's go sero said he would be coming later" she pink excited girls said while skipping away "hey wait up man" dunce face called out.

The mall also wasn't that far from the campus so we didn't have to walk so far but walking with them made it seem like an hour of time that went to waste God they would not stop talking. But I know the worst was yet to come why else would a gossip loving girl want me to go with her.

"Well here we are"
Ears said when we turned the corner

"no shit"
I replied

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