chapter 12

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After we all finished eating and taking with one another there was loud bang just like the one I woke up to, I look over to see the people that were working on the heater they were on  latter and kept on dropping there tools when they didn't need then any more.

"Isn't that kinda dangerous" I heard soy sauce said in a some what consered tone. "Yeah what if some one was waking under the latter they could get hit" dunce face said "First off why would some one be under that latter and second yeah they shouldn't do that" raccoon eyes said

"But it is was it is we can't do anything about it" shitty hair said. I got up and walked to the exit door of the common room so I could head to school.

I open the door to leave and I hear a footstep getting closer to me "wait you man" shitty hair said with a small smile and then putting his arms around my shoulder "let's walk together" "like hell why would I want to walk with you" I said not looking at him "aw come on" he said with a slight pout. I felt my face heat up, "Tch, whatever" I mumbled "alright" he said

*Time skip*

We both walk into the class and see our lazy ass teacher in the corner in his sleeping bag  and four eyes talking to stupid deku and round face. I walk to my desk and he walks to his I pull out my phone and put my feet on the desk I start to look at my playlist to see if i wanted to change anything or add anything else to it but before I can even get my earbuds out I hear the four eyed class president tell me to put away my phone and take my feet of the desk because something about it being disrespectful to the school.

"Tch" I said not taking my feet of the desk but putting any my phone "okay not take you feet off" he said while doing his weird hand thing at me. "NO YOU DAMN EXTRA" I yelled at him "calm down" he said in a normal tone witch got me more mad, I was going to tell at him one more time before I felt arms wrapped around me

"Hey bakubro can you calm down" shitty hair said with his face in the my neck. My face turns a light pink "plllllllllllease"
He pouts, his hot breath hits my neck sending shivers down my spine "f-fine" I said pushing him away from me " wow Kirishima if like you have powers over kacchan" that nerd said walking over here making my face a little darker because after he said that he winked at me.

"Shut the hell up" I mutter eventually the rest of the class gets here and we start our classes there weren't to hard but I hated every moment of it because I know as soon as it was over I would have to go back to my bed. 

Class did come to an end thought and we had to walk home. I was walking with shitty hair and his friend and damn are they annoying, there were talking about vine and something about how it shouldn't have died. (A/n I mean there not wrong) I saw that raccoon eyes kept looking over at me and everyone that she did I shoot her a dirty look or I just flipped her off and she would always mouth calm down and than start to giggle and hide behind Kiri witch of course I would get jealous.

"Come on let's play a game in the common room" Mina said clapping her hands together really fast "okay boomer" kaminari said "bro what are you talking about she is the same age as us" tape dispenser said. "I'll pass" I said and just walked through the door and didn't listen to anything after that, I make it to my room and I'm hit with a wake of cold air even though we got our heater fixed I haven really been in my room all week.

I put my semi warm hand on bed I feel the cold untouched sheets they make me shiver just be the contact but I know that I'm going to have to tough it out so I get changed turn on the heater and climb in and put the thin blanket over my body, my body gladly takes action and I feel my eye lids get heave and soon enough the sweet release of sleep consumed me.

I wake up only to realize that it's not the next day it is in fact the same day but a little later in the night and I'm guessing by the silence in the building everyone already when to sleep. I try to fall asleep again but I can't I don't know what it was but there was something missing I don't know why, it's like I need to do or go somewhere else before I fall asleep.

Even though I was tired I subconsciously got out of bed and grab my pillow walk over to my door grabbing the doorknob and slowly turning it I couldn't stop myself I was to tried to try. I walk out of my room and yawn I feel my legs move and then my hand was about to open a new door but then I snap out of it and I realized I'm right in front of shitty hair's dorm. When I refrain from opening the door I put my hand in front of the door.

As I was going to knock on the door he opened his door and my hand is a couple inches away from his. "Um h-hi" I looked into his pretty red eyes "I'm sorry I was going to knock" I said removing my hand from us face, "is there uh, something you need" I said with a half smile

um yeah you see what I need is you.

"Uh nevermind" I said turning around, but I felt him grab my wrist and spin me around. I quickly pull my hand up so he would let go "um, I don't know if you care or you even wanna but if you want you can come over to my room" he said witch made my face heat up "Tch I guess since I'm already here" I mumbled we both walked into his room.

I got into his bed and then he laid down next to me at first it was kinda weird there was nothing to talk about so the only sounds coming from the room were the shifts to adjust to each other. We weren't touching untill he wrapped his arms around my waist and had his face in my neck making me blush.

"Goodnight Baku" he softly said into my neck making my blush darker "Um sh-shitty I mean Kirishima I need to tell you something" I paused to see if he would say anything but he just hummed back "I ... I uh like you"

This is so not like me I don't like saying how I feel out loud

It was quiet for a least 5 minutes and my thoughts were running wild in that time "I like you too blasty" he then said putting me at ease then we planted a tiny kiss on my neck "can you please be my boyfriend" I asked in a shaky voice

"Of course"

I turned around and I pressed my lips to his it was a quick but very passionate kiss. Then with our arms around each other we fell asleep

Thank you so much for reading this I had a lot of fun making this I hope you didn't forget to vote anyway this is the last chapter so I hope you liked the ending im making haikyuu fanfictions I will be posting later

Okay bye ♪┌|∵|┘♪ └|∵|┐♪

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