chapter 3

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I turn around to see Kirishima looking at me in awe his face was almost as red as his hair "Oi shitty hair can you stop staring"  I said with a smirk. "S-sorry bro" he said and then slam the door. I was a little shocked

He really was staring at me I wonder was he red because he likes me or was he just embarrassed, yeah that's it he can't like me back, Im a fucking bitch who treats people like shit

I think about a million other reasons why he wouldn't like me and how I fucking suck at being a descent. I check the clock and see that it's almost time for me to see  stupid deku to come over. I'm sent into panic

What was I think telling him to come over I hate him why would I tell him anything about my stupid feelings. How would he even help, what's he going to say when he finds out that I'm gay will he care.

I calm myself down and sit down on my bed he hear a soft yet sturdy nock on my door "Come in" I said he slowly opens the door and walk inside my room. It's still hella cold because the heater isn't working. He moves over to my bed and sit at the edge.

I'm sitting at the head of my bed and we just look at each other for a while not saying anything. "So..." He said breaking the silence "I can tell just by the look in your eyes you have something important to tell me" he said not looking me at me anymore

How do I tell him this, how do I tell him what I'm thinking, what I'm feeling,

"You know I'm not one to talk about how I feel but theres something I need to tell someone and you where the first person I could think of" I said "why can't you just tell kirishima" he asked "FUCKING 'CAUSE" I yelled "calm down kacchan"

"God I hate you" I said "I know" he said a little sad but I didn't fucking care. "The reason I can't till him is because it has to do with him" I feel my face get a little warm. "Did you get in a fight?" He tilted his head. "No it's nothing like that" I said

"I think that i...... I don't know how to say it but I kinda...." "Kacchan do you like Kirishima" he asked cutting me off but it's not like I could even finish my sentence. I look up at him I couldn't bring my self to say what i wanted to, but just by the look in my eye he could tell that I did

"Look kacchan it's okay to have a crush, it's normal" he said reassuring me "SHUT THE HELL UP SHITTY NERD" was all I could say to him. He got up and brushed off his knees and tired to walk out "thanks" I said in a low voice.

He stopped and turned around "What was that" he said
Was this shitty nerd testing his luck with me
"NOTHING, get the fuck out of my room damn nerd" I yelled. He opened the door and exited and then closed it behind him. 

Did I really just tell that shitty nerd how I feel well not really he asked me and I didn't have the balls to tell him the answer. Damn it katsuki your being a little bitch just because you have feeling doesn't mean your weak. Right?

"Tch, whatever i have to got to bed it's already 8:39" I said to myself .

YAY, that was the third chapter IM SO SORRY I DONT WANT TO DISS MY LITTLE CINNAMON ROLL BUT I HAVE TO and now it should go more into the storyline that Im wanting, anyway I hope you have a good day or night (when ever you read this)
I have a lot of time to write this and I want think I might just power through and put as many as I in the week.

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