Chapter four

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May tenth

Oliver finished work, glancing through his office window, and sighed loudly. The street lights gave the room obscurity. He planned to travel to the forest today to try and connect with Leah, but it seemed his wish would have to wait.

He took out a half-empty bottle of whiskey he kept in his desk drawer, filled a glass with brown liqueur, and gulped it. The alcohol burned his throat as he watched the street through the unsealed window. People and cars passed by as the sun demised behind the bookstore building, alongside the whiskey.

When the bottle stood empty, he proceeded to the restaurant. Other workers went home, leaving him alone with Emma. She cleaned the top of the bar as Oliver walked toward her. He sat on the stool, glaring at the woman.

"Give me a glass of whiskey," his speech remained a little sloppy.

"Maybe you had enough, Oliver," Emma said, lifting her thin eyebrow.

Oliver buried his fingers in his hair as he placed his elbows on the counter. "Give me a break, I'm grieving." His words seemingly affected the girl, and she grabbed a bottle of Jack Daniels.

She poured him a glass, placing it in front of him. "Join me, Em." He lifted his eyes, smiling at her.

Emma nodded and poured herself a glass of the same drink. "We have known each other for a year now. And this is the first time I see you drink alcohol," she said, beaming.

"First time for everything, I guess." He raised a glass, pouring the drink into his throat. "So, tell me about yourself."

"What?" Emma's eyebrows bounced up.

"Well, as you said, we have known each other for a year. But I know little about you." He furrowed his eyebrows.

"You never asked." She smiled.

"I'm asking now. That counts, right?" he asked, noticing how her eyes seemed different under a dim light bar light.

"Perhaps," Emma smirked. "My mom and I moved here after my dad passed away." She sipped the drink.

"I'm sorry," he said, lifting his eyebrows.

"He was sick for a long time, and it's been three years already. Sadness can change with time." She looked into Oliver's eyes as he continued nodding his head.

She never saw him this way. He seemed to loosen. Oliver has always been a serious man, a great boss. She tried to keep her distance from him since her interview a year ago. Because Emma had had a crush on Oliver since that day. Seeing him every day didn't make it easier, but she needed the job. So displaying her feelings for him was out of the question.

Oliver kept asking for more shots as the night progressed, and the pair chatted. Emma stopped drinking after two glasses since the more Oliver gulped on alcohol, the more it felt difficult to understand him. He was the one who suggested moving to his office, saying sitting down on the couch would be more comfortable. They took a bottle of whiskey and two glasses and sat down on the small couch in his office. Oliver stayed sitting on the left side, closer to the desk. Emma took a seat next to him, closer to the door, on the right side of the sofa.

"I never thought this would actually happen, you know." Oliver's voice sounded sleepy, and he still gulped on booze.

"What happened?" Emma felt confused since Oliver changed topics of conversation every few minutes.

"My sister," he sighed. "She's five years younger, so I never thought I would have to look for her, you know." He nodded his head five times.

"You mean before that man found her?" She furrowed her thin eyebrows.

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