Chapter sixteen

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February thirteen

The shower wasn't relaxing, nor did it help with the discomfort Leah felt. She hardly comprehended the new entity, and that this was not just a terrible nightmare. Reality slowly sank in as Tiny brought Leah back to the room and shackled her to the bed again. Her mind told her to fight, to free herself, but her body refused to listen. She felt disoriented, and her body was sorely weak. The lack of energy prevented her from resisting to remaining in a shackled position.

The day progressed slowly as Leah counted the cracks on the white moldy ceiling. Her mind remained occupied by thoughts about her family, as the room gently shaded she realized it was evening again. The silence felt deafening. Just murmurs outside the door passed once in a while.

Leah's heart ached, and her eyes filled with tears as she heard Lily's muffled screams from the other side of the corridor. The plan to escape felt crushed the moment men divided the girls into different rooms.

She moved her head to the right side and closed her eyes. The blood dripped from her ear, a few moments passed, and the stain on the pillow enlarged, felt wet and cold.

A loud thud of the door woke up Leah. She opened her eyes, noticing Diesel coming toward the bed. He seemed tense, his bald head and forehead held droplets of sweat on them. He brushed his nose with the back of his hand to get rid of the drip, which almost fell to the ground.

"Do you remember the rules?" he asked, holding a black cloth in his right hand.

Leah nodded, her chest thudding heavily as the man approached the bed with loud steps. Diesel bent and wrapped the cloth around Leah's head, and blackness filled her vision.

A silent whimper left her lips as she tried to guess what would happen next. Leah moved her limbs, her body felt numb and restrained, tortuously. It freshly covered her wrists and ankles in bruises, and each new movement felt more painful. She whimpered once more, metal grated on her left wrist, and it felt damp. Leah felt unsure if it was blood or sweat, but it made her limp feel slippery.

"No, stay quiet or you will regret it later," Diesel whispered to Leah's ear.

Diesel's breath smelled like pork, reminding Leah it was already twenty-four hours since she had her last meal. She barely apprehended what Diesel said as he talked to her right ear. She noticed a new sound while the chatter outside the door became louder and the door of the room opened again. High heels tapping against the wooden floor seemed louder with each new step.

"How old is she?" A new womanly voice asked.

"They are both twenty, ma'am." Tiny's voice seemed more gentle while speaking to the woman.

"Great." The woman's voice sounded mature and tender.

Leah heard a few light steps and felt someone held by the right side of the bed, she fastly turned her head toward that place. Leah could make out a shadow hovering above her. The sweet smell filled her nostrils, and she felt someone's hair brushing on her forehead. Leah shook her head to get away from the tickling feeling.

"Is that blood coming from her ear?" The woman's voice sounded stern this time.

"S-she didn't listen—to the rules," Tiny spoke in a stuttered tone. Leah noticed a tall man's shadow moving toward the bed.

"I don't care about your rules." The sound of the slap made Leah twitch. "Which part of 'don't touch the girls' you didn't understand?"

Leah felt the cover gliding through her body, a chilled draft brushed on her naked legs. A warm hand stroked her legs, quickly reaching her crotch. Small fingers brushed through Leah's rims.

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