Chapter thirty-two

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Two years ago

Friday seemed like any other day for Leah. Maybe she should've felt different after all she turned eighteen. Only birthday wishes from her classmates reminded her that the day was supposed to be special. She waited for the evening though as her brother promised to come back from University. He avoided coming home and although his reasoning sounded valid to James. Leah knew better, Oliver didn't want to come back.

Leah filled the wooden tray with cheese, nuts, and pretzels and traveled to the living room. The familiar sound of "I'll Be Seeing You", reached her as she stepped through the dining room.

"Turn that off," she said, placing a tray on the table. "We will wait for the guys to come. Shit, I forgot about the candy." Leah scanned the coffee table.

"I don't think candy goes well with the wine," Cassie said, pointing the remote to the tv and turning off the movie.

"Mark likes candy with everything." Leah went to the showcase and took out a glass bowl filled with various candies.

"The mysterious Mark," Cassie remarked as Leah came back with the sweets. "I can't believe I'm finally meeting them. You have been hiding them for months." She teased her short hair with her left hand.

"Not hiding, Oly rarely comes back." Leah perched in the armchair.

"Is that why you don't have a big party, like normal people, on their eighteen birthday?" Cassie grabbed the pretzel. "Because of Oly?"

Leah scrunched her nose. "Don't call him Oly."

"Why?" Cassie raised her eyebrow.

"Just a few people can call him by that nickname. Well, I'm the only one left." Leah took a handful of nuts. "So don't call him Oly, because he will be mad." She chewed on the kernel.

"And why is that?"

Leah opened her mouth but quickly closed it, deciding the explanation will have to wait. Since the front door opened, bringing a slight breeze to the room. She shoved the last nuts into her mouth and sprinted to the entrance area.

"Hey," Oliver said as he noticed her coming, "Happy birthday," he whispered to her hair as she tangled her hands around his neck.

"Thank you," she said, pulling from the embrace. "I missed you."

"Sorry, I have been busy." He tossed his duffle bag on the wooden ground. "Did he leave?" Leah nodded. "And I was hoping for a family reunion." He grinned.

Leah raised her eyebrow. "Did you wait until dad left?"

"I might've." He shrugged his shoulders.

"Oly." Leah bent her head to the left side.

"What? It's your day, I don't want to be bombarded with questions from dad." Oliver glanced at the living room. "Where is everyone?"

"My friend Cassie is here." Leah motioned to the living room. "And Mark should be here any minute now."

"And the rest of the party?" He looked around, seeing just a red-haired girl staring at him.

"There will be just four of us."

"Why?" He furrowed his eyebrows. "And where is the boyfriend?" His tone changed on the last word.

"Rob won't come since you and Mark didn't greet him well the last time."

"I was planning to be nice." Oliver lifted his palms. "As a birthday gift for you."

"I hope that is not the only gift you have." She raised her eyebrow.

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