Chapter thirteen

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The automatic stairwell light turned on and off, making a clicking sound. Mark and Oliver stood in the building's foyer, staring at the open entrance of Cassie's apartment. Oliver's knee twitched from the strain position, moments passed and Mark grabbed Oliver's shoulder.

"I don't think we should go inside." He studied Oliver's face with wide eyes.

Oliver shook his shoulder and Mark's hand fell from Oliver's body. "Why not?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Imagine if you wake up to two guys standing in your home in the middle of the night?" Mark raised his eyebrow.

"It's for Leah, Mark. We have to find out what the fuck happened. And apparently, this is our answer." Oliver pointed to the black doorway.

"This is breaking an entry. I can't get arrested again," Mark said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"You can stay here," Oliver smirked. "Technically, I'm a tenant in this apartment and it's too late now." He moved through the doorway. Mark didn't perceive any other option and soon followed his friend inside.

The narrow corridor remained unlit. In six brief steps, the guys reached the lounge arch. A slight scent of vanilla lingered in the chambers. Murky light displayed on the living room floor as Oliver groped the wall, finding the light switch, he blinked a few times when the chandelier exposed the room.

Space seemed clear, all the furniture remained in the same manner as before, gray U-form couch in front of enormous windows; table in front of it. Empty tv-stand against the window. It seemed there were more missing personal items, which made Oliver more compelled. Mark stood behind Oliver, the aspect of the room for him barely visible since Oliver blocked most of the view.

Mark went past Oliver, entering the room. "What do you mean, you are technically a tenant?" Mark studied Oliver's face.

"I don't have the energy for this shit, Mark. There is something wrong." Oliver's voice stayed shaky and his gray eyes studied the surrounding space.

"Don't dodge my question, Oly." Mark grabbed Oliver's shoulder, forcing him to look at Mark.

"I paid the rent, okay." Oliver's sight traveled to Mark as Mark's hand slipped from his shoulder.

Mark stood frozen, his right hand in his jeans pocket. His green eyes turned darker soon after his orbs caught a glimpse of hibiscus flowers; blooms dried up, leaves with brown spots on them. Mark turned around and inspected the place. He noticed the collection of The Winston Brothers books on the bookshelf.

"Why is Leah's stuff still here, Oly?" Marked asked, squinting his eyes and looking at his friend.

"As I said, I paid the rent." Oliver rubbed the back of his neck.

"And left everything here." Mark motioned to the open living room space. "Seriously?"

"I was busy," Oliver murmured.

"Doing what exactly?" Mark scoffed. "Apart from the waitress."

"Not the time, Mark." Oliver squinted his eyes. "Look at the apartment."

"I did and all I see is Leah stuff, Oly."

"I'm not talking about Leah's books and that ominous flower she relished." He shook his head. "There is a lack of Cassie's stuff. That awful painting of the tree is gone and look, the lamp from the corner is missing too." He motioned to the left corner of the room.

Mark glanced at the edge of the room and then he proceeded to the white door on the right side of the space.

"Mark, don't." Oliver raised his voice.

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