Chapter eight

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February eleventh

James Brown has never been a skilled chef, and after his wife left him, his mother-in-law did most of the cooking at Brown's household. Mary would help around the house, making James's life more manageable.

James only knew how to make one grand meal, which was grilled steak; he felt very proud of his recipe. Before cooking it, the meat had to be fresh and soaked in the secret seasonings for one day. James usually served this dish just on special occasions. Therefore, three days before his daughter Leah's trip, he prepared the meat, planning to have a family barbecue the next day.

On a chilly winter night, Oliver arrived at his childhood home. He also invited his closest friend Mark to take part in Leah's farewell party. And Leah insisted Cassie should also attend the gathering as well. Leah felt regretful for not inviting her other friend Lily to the barbecue. But early in their friendship, she decided it would be best if Oliver and Lily won't meet for as long as possible. Since the children welcomed their friends, James asked his neighbor Kathy to join the dinner.

By the time all the attendees arrived, James stood ready to grill the food. While the youngsters slowly settled in the living room, James proceeded to the backyard with all the necessities for the grilling. Kathy always felt uncomfortable around James's kids, so she naturally joined him instead of staying in the warm living room.

The fireplace worked with insufficient force when Oliver added a few more logs. Leah and Cassie rested on the couch and continued refreshing themselves with a light beer. Mark relaxed in the armchair, and after making sure wood fully loaded the fireplace. Oliver occupied another armchair sitting in front of Mark, only a coffee table separating them.

Leah took a tv remote in her left hand. "Which movie are we going to watch?" She scanned the list of movie choices displayed on the screen.

"No shitty chick movies, please," Mark spoke in a pleasant tone, glancing at Leah.

Leah leaned toward Mark. "I was asking Cassie." She nudged her friend to the side. "This is our party, as you know." She raised her eyebrow, eyeing Mark.

"Maybe we can vote," Oliver suggested, taking a sip of his beer.

"The Notebook," Cassie remarked.

"We watched that last time, and I said no chick movies," Mark scoffed, scratching the top of his blond head.

"If The Notebook is out, The Matrix is out too." Leah furrowed her eyebrows.

"Maybe we can just listen to music." Oliver smacked his lips. The aftertaste of the freshly opened beer made his mouth dry.

Leah nodded and moved to turn on the music. Silent classic rock music filled the room after she adjusted the playlist. Leah swayed her hips to the sides, gulping on her beer soon after the suffix of the song started. Mark's eyesight stayed fixed on her as her long brown hair flowed with her body.

She closed her eyes, hiding her silvery orbs under her long lashes. A bitter taste filled her mouth as she finished her beer. Mark bit his lower lip, watching Leah dance. Oliver noticed his friend's facial expression and shook his head slightly, smirking at his beer bottle. Cassie stood up and joined Leah for the dance, glancing over her shoulder at Oliver.

The back door opened, letting a chilly breeze down the room. James stuck his head into the crack. His eyes scanned the room and landed on his dancing daughter.

"Kids, it's time to make salads." He stared at Leah. "Meat is almost ready." He quickly closed the door.

Oliver immediately looked at Leah. "I will not make it," Leah responded in a firm tone, shivering, her head to the sides.

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