Chapter fourteen

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February thirteen

The bulky guy stood in the room's doorway as Leah watched Tiny closing the door of the other room. He lingered in front of the door, jingling sound forced Leah to stand on her tiptoes. She couldn't see anything but presumed Tiny locked the door of Lily's room. Leah's gray eyes grew wider and her body shivered, hearing the bulky guy's gruff voice again.

"Get comfortable." He lifted his chin. "This is your home for the next three days." He smiled, twistedly.

The guy leaned over and closed the door with a harsh thud, a muffled jiggling sound appeared behind the door. Leah let out a loud gasp and warm steam left her lips. She hugged herself and rubbed her palms against her sleeves. Turning around, she inspected the place. The room felt enormous, just a bed and a tiny cupboard on the left side of the mattress.

She looked around once more, trying to find something useful. The wooden floors chipped and warned out, just like in the living room. A small, stained window hardly gave any visibility to the room. Leah walked to the window, dragging her sweater sleeve to her fist. She rubbed the glass of the window, but the view didn't get much better. The outside of the window was still filthy and metal grates blocked the unobstructed view.

Leah squatted, looking up at the sky. Tall pine trees swayed, and the sun wasn't notable. Leah stood straight, observing the woods in front of her. She shifted and stood on her tiptoes, the ground full of brown leaves and twigs. She knocked on the window two times and the plastic glass barely made a sound against Leah's fist.

Murmurs from the corridor got Leah's attention; she turned to the door just when they opened.

Tiny dragged his boots into the room carrying a dirty rag in his left hand. "Take off your clothes," he demanded.

Leah furrowed her eyebrows. "No." She stared at him intently.

"Look, I don't enjoy beating up girls."

"Sure you don't," Leah murmured while Tiny continued his speech.

"But I do it if you are not listening to me." He stepped closer to Leah. "Take off your clothes and put this on." He stretched his arm, giving the grayish cloth to Leah.

"I will freeze. Did you even notice how cold it is? Of course, you didn't, you have your coat." She gawked at Tiny's blue eyes.

"Don't worry. Diesel is working on the fireplace and you can get under the covers in the meantime." Tiny lifted his chin toward the bed.

"Or," Leah dragged her voice. "I can just stay in my clothes."

"Look bitch, either you put this on yourself." Tiny threw a rag to Leah's face, and she caught it midair. "Or I will do it and believe me, that won't be pleasurable for you." He smirked.

Remembering all that Lily said, she turned her back to Tiny. Still considering her options, Leah took off her sweater. Quickly putting on the gray shirt he gave her. The material felt stiff and cold. Leah scrunched her nose from the moldy smell the clothes exhibited.

She glanced at Tiny standing behind her, swirling a bunch of keys around his index finger.

"I don't have all day." He hurried her up.

Leah took off her jeans, feeling a slight breeze on her skin. Goosebumps covered her legs as she gave him her jeans.

"Get to the bed," Tiny demanded and stepped closer.

Leah lifted the bedsheet, and a cloud of dust spread through the room. She got under the sheets, dragging the material up to her neck. Uncontrollable shivers spread on her skin as she tried to even her breathing.

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