Chapter twenty-seven

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"You saw me before the bridge?" Oliver asked, staring at Lily.

"Yes." Lily slightly nodded. "You were asleep, and I was dead just for a few seconds. It was around three days ago. I tried to call out, but the guys revived me quickly."

"Does that come with sight?" Lily raised her eyebrow. "I mean, as far as I know, you have to have a strong connection to the person to be able to find them. And you and I never met. So how were you able to find me two times?" He rubbed the back of his neck.

"It's because of the necklace."

"Necklace?" Oliver furrowed his eyebrows.

"You have my necklace, I gave it to Leah after she died."

"That means."

"I was there when they buried her." Lily nodded as a tear from her eye dropped on the edge of the tub. "I tried to run that night, but as you understand, I failed."

The sound of the voice behind the door forced Oliver's eyesight to shift from the girl's green, teary eyes. "Looks like Mark woke up. I will be right back with toiletries and clothes." He stood up from the toilet.

"It's not like I can go anywhere," Lily said, hiding her face behind the shower curtain.

"Oly!" Mark's voice appeared when Oliver opened the bathroom door.

"What's wrong?" Oliver asked, reaching the living room arch.

Mark lifted his upper body on elbows. "Nothing." He shook his head. "I just saw the duffle bag and thought maybe you came back."

"Yeah, I was helping Lily." Oliver motioned to the bathroom door, stepping further into the living room.

"She's awake?" Mark asked. Oliver nodded. "How does she feel?"

Oliver squatted in front of the bag, unzipping it. "She can't walk."

"Why? Did they do something to her legs?" Mark asked, lifting his eyebrows.

"No." Oliver shook his head. "She's just weak. I'm going to take this to her." He lifted the toiletry bag. "And find some clothes for her. Are you hungry?" Mark nodded. "There is takeout in the kitchen and I need to get back to the car and bring the rest of the food."

"How long are you planning to stay here?" Mark asked, uncovering the blanket.

"No idea." Oliver traveled to Leah's bedroom.

The thought of his sister's whereabouts nagged him as he searched her wardrobe. He found a black t-shirt and gray sweatpants. Oliver shook his head, inspecting the underwear drawer. Deciding that pants will be enough for Lily.

He guessed she won't mind wearing Leah's underwear, but it felt too weird for him to rummage through his sister's undergarments. He retook the toiletry bag from the chair and left Leah's room.

Noticing just a blanket on the couch, he perceived Mark moved to the kitchen. Oliver crossed the living room and traveled down the corridor. He halted in front of the bathroom door.

"Can I come in?" He kept the door handle with his left hand.


Oliver glanced inside and observed the shower curtain. "You stood up." He stepped toward the tub.

"Yes, I think my legs were asleep." Lily grabbed the edge of the shower curtain and peeked at Oliver.

"I found some clothes, no underwear though." He settled clothes on the toilet cover. "And this has shower gel and shampoo." He unzipped the bag and took out two blue bottles. "They are mine, I should've bought the woman's stuff, but—"

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