Chapter fifteen

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"Lily, Lily, Lily," Leah mumbled under her nose.

Leah closed her eyes, and soon a swirling feeling consumed her body. She shot her pale orbs open, finding herself in the familiar room. The sound of water dropping echoed through an empty bathroom. Scanning around, she found the person she looked for.

Lily's wrists were handcuffed to the leaky faucet. Her head repulsed against a titled white surface, black loose hair sticking to her pale face and the wall.

"Lily." Leah squatted in front of her friend, trying to touch her cheek. "Honey, can you see me?" Leah studied the girl's face.

Lily's eyes stared straight ahead, her lips moved but didn't make any sensible sounds. It seemed she looked straight through Leah and her sight held fixated on the golden doorknob.

"No-more-no-more," Lily mumbled words repeatedly, slightly rubbing her head against the tiled wall.

"Lily." Leah studied her friend's eyes, green color barely visible, only black pupils taking over her orbs. "Shit!"

Lily mumbled incoherent sounds once more, but the sounds quickly conflicted as two voices appeared outside the bathroom door.

"I will be right back," Leah mumbled, traveling through the brown bathroom door.

The sound felt more distinctive in the small corridor. "I don't want to stay alone!" Diesel yelled. Leah proceeded further into space.

Two men stood in the trashy trailer's living room. Silent murmurs come from the old tv. Tiny sat in the black leather armchair, inhaling deep breaths of tobacco. Diesel stood nearby with his hands intertwined on his chest.

"Look." Tiny flicked his cigarette. "I will stay some other time. There is no point for both of us to stay in this shit hole." He put out his smoke, rubbing the cigarette butt into the glass ashtray. "I need a break from this place, from you."

"Don't you think I want a break!?" Diesel yelled in a raspy voice. "No one wants her, she is all over the news." He pointed to the tv. "We need to get rid of her, man. And get away from Dover."

"But Dover is my home, I don't want to leave," Tiny pleaded.

"Cassie did, we should too. Can't you see this is not working out at all?" Diesel gesticulated his hands to the sides. "Do you want to go to jail? I surely don't. I'm telling you we need to leave."

Tiny nodded. "Okay. I will think about it, but for now, I'm leaving for my mom's place."

"Fine," Diesel scoffed, lifting his arms in the air. "What about the girl?"

"We will take care of her if we decide to leave until then you can have your fun." Tiny stood up.

"I'm not in the mood," Diesel muttered.

"I will bring you two burgers tomorrow, that will fix your mood." He beamed. "Just do nothing without me." He reached the plastic door and turned around to face Diesel. "No more drugs for the girl, she will be fine for the night and we both know you don't feel the limit on this stuff."

Tiny left and soon distant engine sound emerged in the trailer. Diesel stepped into the kitchen area and took two bottles of beer. He sat down in the armchair and increased the sound of the tv. Leah peered at the man who unintentionally became her killer.

Every time Leah looked at Diesel, she remembered her death. Not letting angry emotions get in the way, she quickly turned around. Already setting a rescue plan for Lily in her mind.

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