Chapter twenty-five

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The car's wheels squeaked as Oliver slammed the brake pedal in the middle of the busy street. He panted deeply as his hands gripped the driving wheel of Mark's car.

"You're going to kill us!" Leah shouted, earning a smug glance from Oliver. "You're going to kill—you, I mean you," she mumbled.

Someone shouted, and the driver of the blue car behind the silver Prius honked a few times. The elderly couple walked, passing the street.

"The light turned red." Oliver motioned to the traffic light.

"So why are you shoving the turning signal?" Leah glanced at the car panel where the arrow pointing to the right blinked rhythmically, exhibiting the clicking sound in the space.

"I'm going back to the restaurant." Oliver shrugged.

"No, you're not!"

"Oh, yes, I am." Oliver swung his head to the right side.

"You are going to the apartment. Lily is awake, and she is very confused."

Oliver's jaw tensed as he felt not ready to listen to his sister any longer. "I'm going back and I'm going to kill that guy."

Leah laughed, forcing Oliver to narrow his eyes. "You going to kill the guy?" she asked sarcastically. "You—the guy who carries out flies and spiders from the house so as not to harm them. You're going to kill a human being?" She scoffed.

"Why are you like this?" He glanced at the traffic light.

"Like what?"

"Since you appeared, you are either mocking me or demanding weird stuff."

"Weird stuff?!" Leah shouted. "My best friend stayed against her will, locked in a trashy trailer. And they raped her, daily. And you think it's weird for me to want to help her?"

"Also, you yell a lot." Oliver scratched his chin. "Best friend, which I didn't know existed. Look, I get that you care about her, but it just seems you don't care about anything else."

"Because everyone else is already fine." Leah glanced at the elderly couple reaching the sidewalk.

"I'm not fine, dad is not fine."

"Dad has Kathy and you, you have your own adventures." She looked at Oliver.

"Meaning?" He furrowed his eyebrows, staring at Leah.

"You slept with at least three girls since I died, so you seem fine too." She stared into Oliver's gray eyes.

"How do you know that?" He asked, surprised.

"Switch off the turn light and I will tell you."

"Seriously?" The car behind Oliver honked, forcing him to shift his sight from Leah.

He looked at the traffic light, which displayed a green color. Shortly after, Leah disappeared from the passenger seat. Oliver switched off the turn light, stepped on the gas pedal, and drove straight up the street. The eerie feeling crept over him as he realized Leah truly stayed near him. The only way she would know about the girls was as if she hung around him after her death.

A slight shiver went down his spine as he parked Mark's car in front of the gray apartment building. He tapped his coat pockets once more. He knew the action was useless since he ran out of his medicine a week ago. Oliver felt too much, just like he did five years ago, and the pills helped him concentrate on one feeling at a time. He sighed loudly and left the car.

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