Chapter eighteen

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February thirteen

You never know when the light will come, Leah recollected her grandmother's saying as she looked around the room. Dying felt freeing for Leah as her wrist and ankles remained no longer bound to the metal bed frame. She stepped closer to the bed and slapped the back of the bald head. The action felt partially satisfying, but Leah knew the effort remained useless as the big guy still thrust into her dead body and didn't feel her slap.

The loud groan left Diesel as he climbed from Leah's body and gawked at her. He waved his palm in front of her gray open eyes. While trying to put his pants back in place. His hectic breathing surrounded the half-empty room.

"Tiny!" he yelled while buckling his light blue jeans. "Tiny!" With a loud thud, he reached the door of the room. "Tiny!" Diesel poked his head into the hallway.

"What the hell do you want?" Tiny dragged his feet through the narrow hallway. "I napped," he said in a drowsy voice.

"I-think-the-girl-is-dead," Diesel said in a trembling voice, wiping the dribbles of sweat from his forehead.

Tiny's eyes widened as he fastened his steps and walked into the room. He grabbed Leah's wrist, trying to find the pulse. As the action seemed unsuccessful, he moved and put his fingers under Leah's jaw.

"Bring me the thingy." Tiny motioned with his palm, scrunching his face.

"What thingy?" Diesel furrowed his wet eyebrows.

"The thing with electricity." Tiny stared at his friend.

"Oh, you mean defibrillator." Tiny nodded. "Yeah, I don't have that." Diesel dragged his answer.

"What the fuck do you mean you don't have it?" Tiny stepped closer to Diesel.

Men were similar in height, but Tiny lacked in mass compared to his colleague. Diesel lifted his head and slightly puffed his chest.

"I left it at home." Diesel shrugged.

"This is why we bought it." Tiny motioned to Leah's body.

Men stared at each other, seemingly silently fighting for dominance. Tiny stepped back to the bed and began CPR. Leah watched the men bicker and their efforts to save her life. She tried to figure out what would be better; staying dead or coming back and remaining restrained to the bed.

She shook her head as the man pushed her chest and gave a mouth-to-mouth movement to her bluish lips. The activities Tiny took reminded her about Oliver's story of how he tried to save Mary five years ago.

The thought of her brother appeared uncanny as Leah's body began to tremble. She felt her legs started to vibrate; she looked around, not knowing what was happening. The guys started to yell at each other, but Leah couldn't make out their words as her eardrums filled with a slight buzzing sound. She winced and shut her eyes from the unpleasant feeling overtaking her whole being.

A flirty woman's laughter and light chatter forced Leah to open her eyes. She no longer stood in the bedroom of the wooden cabin, she recognized the place instantly as she held in the middle of a crowded restaurant. She stood in front of the gigantic windows.

"And here is your wine, miss," the voice behind Leah's back said.

Leah turned around and saw the bent down curly hairdo. The man lifted his head and at that moment Leah expected he would see her. But he smiled at the woman at the table and left in swift steps, holding a brown tray in his left hand.

"Oly!" she shouted, following her brother's pace. "Oly!" She quickened her steps as Oliver rushed to the bar.

"I'm done with table four." Oliver placed the plastic tray on the top of the bar. "I need a break," he talked to the raven-haired girl; she stood behind the bar. "Call Sara again, I will be at my office. I have some stuff to do." The girl nodded as Oliver left the bar.

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