9: Search.

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The group had scattered off to go find Lightning. Gelatin suggested that he should go look in his bedroom in case he was awake. Of course that wasn't the case, he wanted to do something else instead.

He went to Lightnings room, and duh, he wasn't there. Gelatin shrugged and closed the door. He then went to Donuts room. This was the reason he wanted it go to the rooms.

He opened the door, and began to look around. Under the bed.. in the closet..

He looked for a while, until he found what he was looking for.

A rope.

He knew it. He KNEW IT! He knew he tried to ..kill himself..

He took the rope and quickly bundled it up, before running off to his own room and hiding it.

Donut wouldn't be able to use it if he hid it. Of course there was other ways he could end his life so Gelatin would just watch him.

He left to look somewhere else, closing his door behind him. He would just say that Lightning wasn't there.


So they looked everywhere.

In the bathrooms, bedrooms, downstairs, every place Lightnings body could possibly be.

But they had no luck.

"Okay then, so what are we even supposed to do now?" Liy crossed her arms. "We've looked everywhere. "

"Are we sure we've looked everywhere?" Leafy said. "Maybe he's somewhere we've just forgotten to look?"

"Like where?" Liy spat. Leafy didn't know how to reply.

"Maybe he's not dead.." Blackhole said quietly. Lollipop snorted. "Oh haha, so where is he if he isn't dead?"

Blackhole couldn't reply, either.

"Well if we can't find his body then we can't accuse anyone, sooo..." Gelatin kicked a paper ball on the floor.

"I don't want to be stuck here for the rest of my life, thank you very much." Lollipop rolled her eyes.

Perhaps if they waited long enough, the poilce would find them..

Donut leaned against the wall silently. Gelatin looked at him. "Yo, did you find anything?"

He shook his head. "No.."

"This is ridiculous.." Lollipop sighed.

Cake put some hair behind his ear. "So...what do we do?"


Teardrop frowned at her.

Woody shook and whimpered. Lollipop glanced at him and then looked back at Book.

Book was braiding her hair. She went to say something but didn't. She was going to ask if anyone had any suspicions, but decided not to. It would only end badly.

"So what are we going to do? Stand here all day?" Liy groaned.

"Theres nothing else to do.." Gelatin shrugged, kicking the paper into Cake, who was sat down too.

"Ow." He mumbled as it was kicked at his face. He looked at it..

"Hang on a second.." he said, taking it and opening it..he began to read it.."Guys look!"

Loser kneeled down and looked at it. "Meet me at the pool..signed..Lollipop.."

Lollipop laughed. "How funny,"


"I think we know that already...Taco said.. "Anyways..the pool..has anyone checked the pool?"


Nobody replied.

"Right then, lets go then." She said. "Right? He should be there.."

"Lets bounce." Gelatin clicked his fingers.

They all began to make their way upstairs to the pool, still worried about what they'd see.

Would there be blood? Would he just be in the water?

As they approached the double doors to the pool, Loser looked back at them. "So uh, we know he's definitely dead..right?"

They nodded. Lollipop rolled her eyes. "Just open it."

Loser opened them..and at first they didn't see anything wrong..until they looked at the

Lightnings body lay in the water..just floating there. He was on his stomach..his face in the water..

"Well.." Lollipop glanced in the water as she drew closer. "I guess that was obvious. "

"Hey guys, I just thought of something.." Gelatin looked at Lightning curiously. "If a synchronised swimmer drowns, do the rest drown too?"

"Oh my god, shut up." Donut groaned, looking at Lightnings body.

"How do we even know whos the killer this time?" Cake asked worridly. He was replied with by silence .


Nobody had any ideas...

Oh god, what were they supposed to do?

♤ Murder Mystery [COMPLETED kinda old] ♤Where stories live. Discover now