21: Psychics, huh?

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Liy had just been shot ..

Donut had committed suicide...

..Liy wasn't the killer..


Blackhole felt himself fill with mixed emotions of rage..sadness...he felt like he was going to burst, he felt like he had jisy finally, and just finally, been pushed over his limit.

His balloon had been burst, his bucket knocked over for the last time. This time, he couldn't pick it up.

...but also...

He felt a wave of pain hit him hard through his head, he winced and closed his eyes, holding his head in agony.

"Blackhole..-?" Lollipop asked.

He didn't want to show he was in pain but it was barely possible. He wanted to cry, to scream...


It was like a bunch of images flashed through his head, a bunch of memories he didn't own..

Teardrop had put the peanut butter in the butter when everyone was exploring, knowing that they would grow hungry, and that sandwiches would be the first option, since there wasn't much else to make as quickly, and of course, everyone was going to eat them.

Teardrop had seen Snowball push Lightning over the banister, and saw Blackhole and Liy run out. She went to cut the cables for the lights...nobody noticed she was gone..now she would only have to kill Pillow..

She gave Lightning a note to come to the pool, in which he did because he was stupid. She drowned him, and kept the note in her room, making a fake one signed by someone else and putting it in a place where someone would find it, to frame them.

She slit Woodys throat from behind in the dark, knowing the blood would go over Leafy because she was close to him.

She told Book to kill Cake, and if she didn't then she would kill Taco. She then pretended to have been attacked and slept in Lollipops room, and so Book went and killed him, then hung him up with the wire

She killed Gelatin when everyone was busy with their own thing, he mumbled that it wasn't over, ..Donut would live through this... he would, and when she left he wrote that message, not knowing who it was exactly and only that they were blue, to help Donut escape the place...only..

"...Blackhole, ..?" Loser shook him. "Blackhole,...whats..the matter?"

He almost felt himself slip out of the reality in which he had just imagined...all..all of that..



He snatched the gun off the floor almost immediately, scaring Loser. Without any hesitations, or second thoughts, in a swift movement, he aimed the gun and shot Teardrop.

"What are you doing??" Taco covered her ears at the loud noise.

Lollipop didn't stop him, ..she didn't do anything...all this time the murderer had been right in front of her..the murderer had slept in her bed...killed her friends..

Blackhole shot her again..and again...and again..

Lollipop just looked away..

..well..at least Gelatin was to thank for giving them that hint..

He dropped the gun after...

"...I..I had a vision..sh-she killed them ...all of them..except Cake ..but.."

Loser looked away. "A vision..?"

"..I ..I guess I could say that.."

Taco bit her lip.. "no..no..she wouldn't! Teardrop wouldn't do that!"

"..she did...though...she did.."

And once again, silence

..the four of them..out of the eighteen...

Fourteen of their friends..dead..like ..like they had never existed..vanished...wiped from the earth...

"Hey! I didn't tell you to kill the murderer did I?!" Two shouted. "Well, whatever, I guess game over for me. You did it! You won the game!" .


"Why so down? You're free now!"

"...but..everyone ...is just-" Taco was cut off.

"So what? They'll be forgotten in a year or so.."

"..why did you do this to us?!? What did any of us do to you?!" Lollipop snapped.

"Shut up, would you?"

"I..this.." Blackhole stuttered.

"Look, you can all go back now, alright??"


And after that, it was complete darkness.


Loser was the first to wake up. The floor was hard..it was light in the room..it was..

Their gym? In school...?

He sat up completely..and there lay Lollipop, Taco and Blackhole.

Well..Two wasn't kidding, they got to leave..

But at what cost...

The doors of the gym opened, and there stood Coiny and Pin.

"Yeah, so, apparently, they all just disappeared from their homes at night! Can you believe..." Coiny trailed off.. "..Oh..oh my gosh! What in the..y-you guys-!"

Pin stood still; in shock. "...oh...oh my.."

...the others woke up as harshly as Loser did..confused at first...then realised their surroundings..



Lol thats the end 🙆‍♂️🙆‍♂️🙆‍♂️ anyways

Would you guys like a second book of this? Ive been debating in my head whether I should or not because it feels unoriginal and lazy. You guys decide :)) iI'll basically be a second game with the living characters of this, and some others from their school.

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