14: Teardrops, literally.

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"I don't understand why you don't like Donut.." Cake sighed, crossing his legs. "I mean, sure, okay, maybe you just don't like him, but everytime I tried to stand up for him, you would-"

"I do like Donut.." Loser said softly, leaning against the wall as he sat.

"But-" Cake started, but was cut off.


"Please listen for a second.."


"Donut doesn't seem to like you much either..did something happen between you two..?"

"Well, not exactly.."

"What does that mean..?" Cake moved some hair out of his face. "Are you lying again?"

"Nonono, I'm not, -"

"Loser please be truthful.."

"Well,..you see, " Loser sighed. "Me and Donut used to date.."

"O-oh? What happened?

"Well, uh, .." He looked away. "I did something really bad.."

"What did you do?"

"..I cheated on him"

"W-what?" Cake looked shocked. Loser cheated on him? "With who??"

"It doesn't matter.." Loser sighed. "But, I kinda regret it.."


"Well- I wouldn't say it like-"

"H-how do I know you won't cheat on me??"

"I..- i- would never!" 

He didn't seem too convincing.

"Are..are you lying to me?"

"Cake, nnoo-" He hugged him, and Cake made him let go.

"Loser- ..be real here- .."

Loser bit his lip softly..

"Cake, I love you more than anything else, you know that? I'm sorry..I don't know what I was thinking.."

Cake felt his heart stop.

"No- no no no no no!" He felt tears in his eyes. "Y-you did not just say that! This can't be real...y-you're lying to me!"

"I still love you more..than them, please Cake, lets just talk-"

"S-so you cheated on me?!"

"I'm..I'm sorry.."

"Yes or no?!" Cake began to cry, wiping his eyes.

"..Yes- but I-"

Cake cried louder, beginning to stand up, Loser grabbed his arm, standing up too.


"Wh-who did you cheat on me with?"


"Tell me!!" He hiccuped.


Cake just blinked, pushing Loser away. "I'm going, don't bother talking me- I-I..I don't want to talk to you-"

He grabbed Cakes wrist again. "Cake please just sta-"

He shook his arm off. "D-don't touch me! You can't stop me f-from leaving-"

Loser looked at him sadly, "we can talk this out-"

"How long has this been going on?!"

"..I don't think you wanna know-"

"You know what? I don't." He spat, crying and running off.


Teardrop knocked violently on Lollipops door, she sounded panicked.

Lollipop opened it. "And what do you want?"

Cake ran past them, crying. They just looked for a second, then went back to their conversation.

She pointed into her room.

"Sure, come in."

She ran in and closed the door, locking in. Lollipop raised an eyebrow. "So whats gotten into you?"

She waved her arms about, then grabbed the pillow.

"What? Did-"

She put her own face in it, pushing it. She used her other hand to pretend to try and get it off.

"What? You got attacked?"

She dropped the pillow and nodded, then pointed to her mouth, and shook her head.

"No voice, no sound, no scream?"

She nodded quickly, putting her thumb up.

"Oh, well, are you alright?"

She shrugged.

"Well, you can stay in here if you like.."

She nodded, and hugged her, her hair getting in Lollipops face.

Lollipop smiled a bit. "You're welcome.."

Td parted from the hug, putting some hair behind her ear. She pointed to the floor, tilting her head.

"Oh no, you can sleep in the bed if you like, I'll sleep on the floor."

She shook her head, and grabbed Lollipop. Lollipop raised an eyebrow as Td walked her to the bed, sitting her on it.

"I sleep on the bed?"

She nodded, then pointed to herself.

"And you?"

She nodded again.

"That will be a little space invading, would it not?"

She shook her head, then pointed to the end of the bed.

It took Lollipop a moment to guess what she meant.

"Top and tail?"

She nodded again.

"Well, if you say so,"

Lollipop led down slowly, Teardrop turning off the light. She led down the opposite way.

Well, at least Teardrop didn't die.

♤ Murder Mystery [COMPLETED kinda old] ♤Where stories live. Discover now