19: Why, why would you do this?

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Time bled away, very slowly at least. Nothing happened throughout the day, nothing at all...

...to do with the murderer, at least. It was like they were dead..

Well, not much else happened.

Gelatin had napped with Donut for a bit, then he was almost a different person when they woke up and went downstairs. Gelatin was less sad, ..like..he was never sad in the first place.

But of course, that was just Gelatin.

Loser had gone to talk with Blackhole, and apologised to him about Cake. Blackhole had asked him why he was sorry, but Loser just left.

Blackhole had assumed it was because Cake was dead, and of course Loser was mourning, but..


He still couldn't just assume things. The last time he did that he got Fanny killed.

Lollipop hung out with Teardrop most of the day, they baked some cakes, it was cool. Neither of them made any chocolate ones.

Taco was...still upset over Book.

After Blackhole had talked to Loser, he hung out with Liy.

And so, nothing happened..

That only made their nerves grow.

Time passed by..dragging and dragging its way through the day. Thankfully, they grew hungry, and decided they would have a meal.

Cake was their cook ..and Tree..but they were long gone. (Maybe not, 🤡)

Lollipop and Teardrop offered to cook, even though Lollipop couldn't cook for shit.

Everyone agreed, still concerned however. Who knew if either one of them would poison it?

Well..Teardrop was attacked, so ..it couldn't be her..but Lollipop...

They didn't know, so why think about it?

Lollipop and Teardrop made lasanga

Gelatin wanted to help but they refused. He'd probably burn the place down.

So after the many Garfield references Gelatin made, he was still denied from cooking. He just shrugged it off and left.

They put it in the oven and left also.

So while waiting, their nerves grew more and more.

It didn't feel right.

Time continued to consume them, and before they knew it, Teardrop was cutting the lasagna up.

Lollipop watched her, bored kinda.

Blackhole entered the dining room..then Liy..

Then Donut..

Time ticked by..

Lollipop came in with the lasagna..glancing around..

"So the others aren't here? How rude "

"They're probably just late.." Liy shrugged.


Time continued to pass as she put the plates out.

Where were the other three?



Someone..was..almost ..definitely dead..

It was..it had to be.

Donuts heart was racing, he stood. "I'm, gonna go get Gelatin.."

Lollipop went to get Taco, and Blackhole went to get Loser.

Blackhole went up the stairs, looking in Losers room curiously. He was sat on the bed, just staring.

Blackhole stayed silent for a moment before alerting him that the lasagna was ready.

Donut was quicker to get to Gelatins room. Of course it was probably Gelatin just fucking around, but he didn't want to wait another second.

He laid his hand on the doorknob..turning it only slightly to open it.

"Gelatin? Come on, everyones waiting for you.."

As he opened the door..he almost felt his body freeze...

Lollipop had gone to see Taco. She was just in her room. They didn't talk to eachother on the way back to the dining hall.


Donut could already feel the tears in his eyes..his whole world just seemed to...


Gelatin lay there..smiling at least...on the floor...blood stained his hair and down his head, a glass object next to him, covered in blood as it lay in pieces....obviously..

..that was what he was killed with...

Gelatins eyes were dull, but..he was smiling.....even in his last moments..

Donut didn't even feel anything in those moments, he just felt...dizzy...sick..

So he screamed.


♤ Murder Mystery [COMPLETED kinda old] ♤Where stories live. Discover now