18: Some are at the breaking point...

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"Hey, everything alright..?"

Donut had went to go see Blackhole, who was just sat on his bed. He looked up as Donut walked into his room.

"Oh, yeah, I'm cool.."

Donut closed the door and walked over to him.

"Just sorta, thinking..I guess" he continued

Blackhole was a much more calmer person to talk to. Of course, Gelatin was fun, witty, and in a way charming, but Blackhole was a very calming person to just talk to about - ...well, anything I suppose.

"About what?"

"Just, you know, everything.." Blackhole laughed a bit. "Nothing that specific..just..my suspicions.."

"Do you have an idea on who it may be?".

"I had three.." Blackhole mumbled. "Ones dead, ones my closest friend..and..the other, just, I don't know..its all so confusing.."

"Right right, I get it. It stresses me out too.."

Blackhole tilted his head a bit. "Who do you think it is?"

"..I honestly...really don't know.."

"Have you thought about Gelatin..?"

Donut sighed, nodding. "He talks about being the murderer all the time to me..but...I don't know, you know what he's like.."

"Correct, he likes to mess with people, that's just his thing.."

Donut took off his glasses and cleaned them a moment. "Although he's...really suspicious..I don't want to lose him.."

"You two close?"

Donut put the glasses back on. "..Close, I guess."

"Relationship wise? Are you two like, a thing?"

"...I'm not entirely sure.." Donut mumbled. "But we ..are definitely close.. closer than I've ever been to anyone"



"I'm guessing you're not close with your family then," Blackhole said, but more as a question.

"Maybe I would be, if I knew who they were"

"..Oh? I'm sorry"

"No apologies needed.."

They sat in silence for a few more moments, before Blackhole sighed a bit. "I don't think I'm going to survive, honestly "

"Why not?"

"Confidence isn't my best quality.." he smiled lightly at Donut. "I guess I just don't have that self spirit .."

"We'll get through this, everyone will...nobody else will die, and I'll make sure of it.." Donut stood up. "It was nice talking to you..anyways..."

"You too, " he smiled again.

"Guess I'll see you later?"

"So be it."

Donut then left Blackhole in his room, closing the door softly and leaving the other to do something blackhole-like

Gelatin walked into the door. The surroundings of the room felt different, made up, not all structured, not there.

Everything felt weird, unstable.

"Donut?" He said, but didn't even hear his own voice.

He looked around the room, it was silent. His legs walked him across the floor, and over to the wardrobe.

Donut was hanging there.

His face was pale, his lips blue. Although it didn't feel like Donut, not reality.

Gelatin didn't feel normal, like you would in a normal reaction. He felt real tears however, they were real.


He felt himself fall to the ground, his legs weak. He couldn't stand up, no matter how much he tried. ..

Donut just swung softly-

Gelatin woke up almost suddenly, staring at his wall. A wave of confusion and relief hit him at once.

It was only a dream, or should I say nightmare.

He reached to his face and felt his eyes.

...he cried?


why would he cry for? Surely crying in the dream only meant it happened in the dream? ..

Maybe..what he had stimulated in his head..


Made him cry for real..


Donut turned the knob of the door, opening it. Gelatin quickly sat up, still overwhelmed.

"Gelatin? I thought you said you were gonna 'feed your nightmares' and 'get in the feathers'?, even though everyone literally just got up...'

"I was tiiiiired still...and you woke up when you opened the door" he managed a fake yawn.

"Oh?" Donut closed the door. "What a shame"

"But you wwoookkee meeeeee"

Donut rolled his eyes.

"I'm gonna kill you cuz you did that"

"You're not the murdere-"

"So? I can still do it" he winked. Donut squinted his eyes at him.


"Donut, cmere" he signalled to the bed. "Nap with me"

"Even though its like, the morning?"

"Shut up and get in"

Donut slowly made his way to the bed, slipping into it with Gelatin.

He looked at Gelatins face a moment.

"Hey, you've been cryi-"

"Eyelashes get in your eyes all the time don't they? Pesky things"

"..., whats wrong?"


"He wiped Gelatins eyes. Gelatin made a face and swatted him away "beat it"

"Oi! I'm just asking whats wrong!"


Gelatin slowly brought his arms around Donut and hugged him, Donut lay there, confused in a way.

Gelatin leaned his head into Donuts shoulder, feeling sad all of a sudden. Gelatin was supposed to never get sad, only over when the cereal didn't have enough in it for one bowl, and instead a half.

"Heyy..whats up..?" Donut frowned.

"...don't leave me"

Donut stared at him for a moment, wrapping his arms around him back. "..what do yo-"

"..don't die.."

Donut could feel the shakiness of Gelatins breathing, ..he..he..was..crying


They lay there for a moment, the soft sounds of Gelatins sobs filling the room. Donut felt bad...really bad..

He hadn't thought about how this all would effect Gelatin too to be honest. Gelatin normally just stood as someone who didn't care..but he was Gelatin, of course he would do that...he could be as upset as Donut was..

Donut had never seen Gelatin cry, well, properly anyways. It was normally just dramatic crying or fake crying, not..real crying.

Unless this was fake, which it probably wasn't.

He hugged Gelatin closer, his clothes dampened a bit. "..oh, Gelatin.."

They lay there for a while in eachothers arms, not saying anything.

♤ Murder Mystery [COMPLETED kinda old] ♤Where stories live. Discover now