8: Thin wires and thick rope.

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So, everyone, even though they were scared, decided to sleep. They didn't have a choice, they were all too tired to stay awake.

Well, hours later, they began to wake up. They didn't know what time it was though..so it felt weird...they still wondered if they were being looked for, and what the people at school thought about this...their parents..friends..siblings..

Well, they didn't know. And some never would.

Cake had slept downstairs. He hadn't told anyone he was but he did, in the kitchen. This was just incase anyone came downstairs to get a knife or something..so he stayed there all night, sleeping at the table.

He was the first awake, as he thought he heard something. He looked around, startled. But he hadn't..he thought so anyway.

He sighed and stood up, stretching and yawning. He'd probably just make a ...hot chocolate..

He grabbed the milk and a cup, pouring it mindlessly. Until someone grabbed his shoulders and made him squeal, spilling the milk. He set it down and turned around.


"Gelatin!" Cake panted, his heart beating quick. "Why would you do that??"

Gelatin smiled. "Thought it would be funny, anways, watcha doinnng?"

He peeked over and saw the milk. "Ooo, cow breast milk."

Cake yawned, putting it back and closing the fridge.. "I guess so...who else is awake?"

Gelatin shrugged. "Dunno"

Cake rolled his eyes and smiled, before putting the cup in the microwave. "Aren't you worried about what everyones at school thinks?"

"Meh, I'll worry about it later."

"What if there is no later..?"

Gelatin shrugged "then I never needed to worry"

Cake looked at him a bit, before taking the warm milk out. He reached into the cupboard for some hot chocolate powder, pouring some in and stirring it.

"Why does Donut not like Loser?"

Gelatin shrugged "dunno"

Cake had been new to the school after Loser cheated on Donut, so he had no clue that they were ever together, or what happened.

Gelatin was stupid, so he didn't know either.

"Hey guys!." Leafy interrupted, walking into the kitchen. "What are you doing?"

Gelatin shrugged "I dunno, what are you doing?"

"Not much." She smiled.

Leafy was soon followed by Blackhole, Liy, Lollipop, Taco Book and Teardrop.

Lollipop groaned as she sat at the table. "I would say good morning, but I don't know if it actually is the morning. "

Liy nodded. "Yep.."

Blackhole leaned against the wall, still not saying anything. He hadn't spoken in a while, raising a small suspicion from Liy.

Why was he so guilty? Its not like he killed Tree himself..did he? Is he guilty because he technically got Tree killed by killing Bell?

Liy grabbed an apple juice carton. "Another day, I guess.."

Teardrop looked at Book. She was looking around. Book looked back at her. "Oh, I'm just wondering where everyone else is."

"Probably still asleep." Lollipop rolled her eyes.

Loser came down, and Cake put down the hot chocolate and hugged him.

"Love you.." he smiled softly, wrapping his arms around him tight. Loser giggled. "Love you too.."

"I bet someones dead." Gelatin shrugged. Lollipop glanced at him.

"And what makes you say that?"

"Well its pretty obvious, isn't it?"

Everyone fell silent...he was right...

They began to wait for the others. Non of them wanted to go see for themselves..out of fear of what they would find..

Woody came downstairs, scared out of his mind when everyone was looking at him when he walked into the kitchen.

The only ones left were Fanny, Lightning and Donut.

"I guess that settles it then.." Loser sighed "One of those three are dead.."

Fanny came down the stairs, angry.

"What are you all looking at?!"

"We are waiting to see who isn't going to come down, so we know whos dead. Why are you late?"

"I overslept! I hate oversleeping!"

Lollipop rolled her eyes. "Of course.."

Liy looked around. "What if they're both dead?"

Cake whimpered. "I hope not.."

And then someone came through the door.

Donut walked in without saying a word. Gelatin grabbed him. "Where have you been D?"

Donut moved him to a side, and went in the fridge.

Lollipop stood up. "Whats your problem?"

"I don't want to talk about it." He mumbled, grabbing an apple. Gelatin shrugged. "Someone woke up on the wrong side of-"

"I got attacked last night." He said angrily. "I was almost choked to death with a wire-"

Gelatin pulled down the turtle neck bit of his jumper. And indeed there was a horrible red mark around his neck.



The mark didn't look thin..like a wire ..

Lollipop raised an eyebrow. "And you expect us to believe that?"

If Donut was the killer, why would he try to kill himself? That would only make him lose the game immediately. That strikes him off the list

".." Donut walked past them, ignoring their antics. He walked out of the kitchen.

Gelatin stood there, not showing any kind of emotion of course, but there was one thing going through his head.

He had tried to hang himself.

"Well..I guess that only leaves Lightning.." Book said, looking at Lollipop worridly.

"Lets just hope that it isn't how it seems." Lollipop began to walk out of the door. "Come on, lets go see for ourselves."

They followed Lollipop slowly, to see whether Lightning really was dead.

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