A Terrible Spy

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Photo credits: upthehill

Harry was paranoid. He always had been, considering the fact that someone (He Who Must Not be Named) tried to kill him as a small child, and had repeatedly attacked Harry on multiple occasions when he failed the first time. He knew He Who Must Not be Named had people that worked for him, trusted him, wanted to please him, were forced to obey him. So, when he repeatedly caught his childhood nemesis staring at him, he quickly became suspicious. Death Eaters were everywhere, crawling like rats under the floorboards of dirty rooms, spying on anyone and everyone every chance they got, and Harry was nearly one hundred percent sure that Draco was one of those rats, crawling under floorboards beneath his bed, searching for any type of crumb he could steal to bring to He Who Must Not be Named. Draco was easily the worst spy, and no matter how hard he tried to cover up the intense stares towards Harry that he had been caught in over the many years, Harry knew what was going on. Draco was taking notes of Harry's every move and reporting back to He Who Must Not be Named. Harry was exhausted, and desperately wanted to put an end to this.


"No, Ron, stop arguing. You said the spell incorrectly, end of story. How else do you think your small plant turned into a frog instead of a tree?" Hermione lectured Ron while they ate their lunch in the Great Hall.

"That's not what happened! There was something wrong with my wand or something. I said the spell correctly, right Harry?" Ron argued, turning to Harry for support as he shoved a chicken leg into his mouth.

"Hmm? Oh, yeah. Whatever you say," Harry mumbles, spacing out as he watched Draco eat his soup and talk with his friends. Harry barely touched his food as he studied Draco, still waiting for the right moment to investigate him. He had been watching Draco all day and the day before, waiting for some sort of time gap where he could spy on Draco in a private setting. He'd been carrying around his invisibility cloak just in case he would need it.

Again, just like the many times before, Harry watches Draco turn his head in Harry's direction, but when Draco realizes he's been caught, his face turns beet red and he stands up, leaving his half-filled bowl of soup at his seat and waving away his friends as they begin to question him. Harry watches him walk to the entrance of the Great Hall, glance at Harry and leave the building. Harry finds this incredibly suspicious and he begins after the boy not even a second later, knowing this was most likely his one small chance to spy on Draco while he is alone. He also leaves his half-eaten food and ignores his friends as they call out to him, both of them quickly giving up a moment later and returning to their argument.

Harry follows Draco, watching as he turns corner after corner until walking across the school lawn up to a random building. He hears Draco recite a specific word and a door opens in the wall, revealing to Harry where the Slytherin common room is. Draco quickly slips through the entrance and the door closes behind him a second later. Harry walks up to the door and looks around to see if there is anybody else around. After waiting for a couple minutes and he doesn't see another soul around (because almost everyone was still at lunch), he pulls on the invisibility cloak and repeats the same word he heard Draco repeat. The door glides open and Harry quietly enters, not wanting to give away his position.

When he first enters the room, he takes a moment to observe the room. He starts scolding himself for not entering soon enough to find what room Draco was in, but he decides that he would just check every room until he found him. He assumed it wouldn't be that hard due to the fact that nobody else was there. He begins checking each room, but quickly stops himself when he hears some sort of noise. He follows where he thinks the sound is coming from, and is led to a closed door where he can hear a muffled, deep moaning. He slowly grips the door handle and turns it, letting the door steadily open until it was yawning and Harry could walk through with no problem. He is frozen in his steps when he sees Draco lying on his bed, his red cock gripped tightly in his hand and his eyes squeezed shut, oblivious to the open door. Harry starts to turn away, not wanting to invade in Draco's privacy, but stops in his tracks when he hears Draco moan and say, "Oh my god, Harry. If only you knew what your looks did to me. I wish you were fucking me right now. What I wouldn't give to feel your cock slide in and out of me."

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