Think You Can Take It Malfoy?

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“Think you can take my cock Malfoy?” He challenged, running it along the inside of my thigh as one of his slick fingers pushed into my ass. I arched against him involuntarily due to the combination of the two sensations, getting impossibly harder as my want increased tenfold. We’d been playing long enough, I needed him in me soon and feeling him so close was maddening. Of course I would never admit that.

“Think it’s big enough for me to even feel?” I shot back.

“Very funny Malfoy.” He hissed, shoving in a second finger and scissoring them harshly as punishment. The sudden stretch made me bite my lip hard to keep from gasping. “I’m going to stretch you so wide with my thick cock you’ll be able to feel me for weeks.” He promised. “I’ll go so goddamn deep into you you’ll be tasting me the whole time I’m inside you.”

His hand suddenly wrapping around my cock made my effort to keep silent all for naught as it forced a gasp from my lips anyway. He chuckled, proud of himself for eliciting such a noise.

“What, you’re not man enough to actually fuck me?” I taunted, pushing back hard on his fingers. “You’re just going to keep moving those two fingers all night?” I reached behind me and grabbed his cock (which was already condom covered and lubbed) and stroked it a few times to really get him going. Then I squeezed rather harshly. He snarled and shoved me forward on the bed, making me land on my hands and knees in front of him. Within seconds he was nudging my legs farther apart and forcing himself between them, one hand wrapping itself in my hair while the fingers on the other slid out of me with a slick popping noise.

“That’s fucking it Malfoy!” He growled threateningly. “I’m going to fuck you so hard Hogwarts will have to buy a new bed frame.” He slid his dick up and down inside my crack— the excess lube making the friction feel wonderful for both of us— in what an outside observer would have thought was preparation. Having been his lover for so long I knew that he was surreptitiously giving me a chance to object if I wanted to be prepared more. Potter had a huge cock. The kind that you see and half want to sit on, half want to cry because you know it would hurt like a bitch. We were both well aware that two fingers was not nearly enough to get me fully ready for that monster and that if he entered me now the stretch would be intense and it would hurt. Most days he and I both loved that, him getting off on taking me relatively unprepared and me liking the combination of pleasure and pain he could bring me. Still, Potter always asked. Even if it was in a way like now that didn’t ruin the game of dominance we liked to play.

“Don’t make promises you can’t keep!” I snapped back. It gave him his answer and he wasted no time in getting started.

“Oh, I can keep it Malfoy.” He promised as he pushed into me in one long, fluid stroke. I bit my lip hard and clenched my hands into fists, dropping my head to the mattress as he stretched me obscenely around him. It hurt, that was for sure, and I had the brief sensation of being cleaved in two, my muscles fighting hard to accept him as he just kept coming and coming, forcing his way into my tight channel and battering against my walls. I fought to control my breathing and not make a sound or tense up, refusing to give him any kind of upper hand. Once he was fully seated in me he paused, his broad hands stroking up and down my back and sides and rubbing soothing circles into my skin as he started speaking again.

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