Mcgonagall Knows What You Did This Week

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This doesn't contains smut but this is super hot.
-----------------------------------------------------------The stars and full moon shone bright from the enchantment on the Great Hall ceiling. Only minimal candles were used to brighten the space further for the crowd of students enjoying the Spring Ball that Headmistress McGonagall had approved.

Groups milled around the tables, some laughing loudly and others talking softly, while most were on the dance floor, swaying and moving with the mellow and upbeat music. Greens and blues decorated the entire space, with subtle accents of beige and pale pinks. Plants were on every table, long ivies and vines hung from the walls, their long tendrils crossing above people’s heads like living streamers. Flowers and ferns were used as the centerpieces for the tables and were also placed in tall pots along the floor in strategic places. It created an overall comfortable, calm, and beautiful atmosphere.

Harry had to admit that Luna and Neville really out did themselves this time. It must’ve taken a long time for them to get everything perfect. I’ll have to tell them how well they did later. Right now however, Harry wasn’t looking at the stunning decor, in his opinion, he was looking at something even more breathtaking, or rather someone.

Across the Hall, Harry could see the strikingly pale hair of his date shining in the dim light. They had been dating openly for about a week, but had started their relationship about a month ago.

The platinum hair was like a beacon really, but even if the hair had been a different color, Harry still wouldn’t have missed him in the crowd. Everything about the other called to the raven-haired male.

Harry couldn’t help but to stare at Draco. The blonde was standing near the entrance to the Great Hall with Pansy Parkinson, he looked stunning in a set of deep black formal robes that fit him perfectly. Harry could see that the clothing accentuated every line and curve of Draco’s body. Green eyes watched Draco’s backside appreciatively and lips formed an evil grin thinking of all the things that he could do to the shapely body part.

“Oi! Harry!”

The raven jolted with surprise, almost dropping the drink he was holding in his hand, and looked to his right to find Ron with a very unimpressed look on his face.

“Ron? What’s wrong? Do you need something?”, Harry asks confusedly, pushing his hand through his unruly hair and wrinkling his robe.

He receives an exasperated look from Ron which just confused Harry even more.

“Mate. You’ve been standing here for 5 bloody minutes and been staring at Malfoy’s arse for 3 of them. Not to mention that creepy look you had that I can tell you right now, I never want to see on your face again. Especially if it’s directed at Malfoy.”, Ron paused and leaned to the side, showing about 20 other people behind Ron that were all staring and listening to the two with varying expressions of amusement and slight distaste.

“You’re also holding up the punch line.”, the red head continued.

“Oh, u-um… right.”, Harry stuttered out with wide eyes. Ron just stared at his bespectacled best friend with his arms crossed and a hint of amusement in his eyes.

Harry stared at the crowd and at Ron for a second, face flaming in embarrassment, before making a quick getaway, leaving his drink behind. He made his way back over to the blonde, who was still talking with Parkinson. The girl saw Harry making his way over and nodded towards the raven, drawing Draco’s attention towards him.

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