My Favourite Flight Attendar

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“Calm down, Draco, it’s only two hours of delay,” Harry told the grumpy blond flight attendant while they entered the cockpit. Harry sat on his seat and sighed, while Draco closed the door, proceeding to sit on Harry’s lap.

“But, you know, I could be having some fun with my favourite pilot, instead of being trapped here,” the blond smirked, placing his hands on Harry’s shoulders.

“What a naughty boy you are. Who would have said that this cutie is always thinking about sex or making out?” Draco groaned and buried his face in Harry’s neck, smiling. The other man placed his hand on Draco’s booty.

“As if you didn’t want to,” Draco replied, biting the flesh he had in front of him.

Harry and Draco had met when the latter had started working as a flight attendant. Harry was a pilot during one of their shifts, and after a few stares they ended up fucking in the small bathroom of the cabin, during a flight from London to Tokyo. Their relationship had developed, but it never left the plane, and if it did, they always made it look like it was a friendship between two colleagues.

“Draco, we never do anything romantic or sexual outside the aircraft,” Harry replied, giving him a chaste kiss.

“It’s not my fault, is it?”

“Are you saying it’s mine?”

“Well, yeah, it is, because you don’t dump that idiot you have as a girlfriend,” Draco snapped, standing.

Harry grabbed Draco’s hand before he could leave, “Draco, babe, we’ve talked about this. I can’t break up with Ginny, I don’t want Ron to get angry with me because I dumped his sister.”

“He won’t care, Harry. Cedric knows and doesn’t care. Hermione knows and doesn’t care. Luna knows and doesn’t care. And Ginny wouldn’t take it that badly, she knows you’re bi. Ron has been your co-pilot and best friend for years, just because you met Ginny through him doesn’t mean you owe him anything. Just tell him that you’re into blokes as well, and that you are going out with me. See you later.”

Draco tugged his hand and left the cockpit, entering the cabin, where he found Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger snogging in one of the passengers’ seats.

After a cough, Ron noticed him and stopped, “Oh, hi, Draco!” He said while Hermione stood up and straightened her skirt, “Is Harry inside?” Draco just nodded and Ron smiled, “Awesome! It’ll be better if I make sure everything is okay, there’s no reason why he should do it on his own.” Ron stood up, ducking so his head would not bump with the reading lights.

Hermione and Draco went to the end of the aircraft, “You seemed a bit disappointed. What has happened in there?” She asked while she struggled to put her heels on, which she had brought inside her small suitcase.

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