A Dare's a Dare

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"Okay, truth or dare?" Pansy asked Draco when the bottle she had spun landed on him.

Draco sighed, Pansy always dragged him along to these 'class unity' things when Draco would rather be sleeping and not having to spend time with a bunch of Gryffindors, Hufflepuffs, and Ravenclaws. He thought about the options. Obviously, truth was the safer route, because it wasn't like Pansy was going to ask him incredibly personal questions, but he didn't want to seem like a wuss in front of the Gryffindors.

"Dare," Draco said after a moment.

Pansy smirked and Draco immediately regretted his decision. "I dare you to call Mr. Potter over there, 'daddy' for two whole weeks."

Draco felt himself blushing. Pansy smirked in satisfaction. That bitch.

"T-that's not fair! That means Harry has to suffer too!" The weasel exclaimed.

Pansy simply raised an eyebrow, "A dare's a dare."

Weasley seemed more angry than Potter, who was avoiding Draco's eyes. This was going to be the longest 2 weeks of Draco's life.


Draco wanted to stomp on Slughorn's toes. He had paired Draco and Potter together for a potions project. Which means they have to communicate with each other. Which means Draco has to call Potter 'daddy' when he wants to get his attention. He was going to kick Slughorn in the face.

"Po- daddy," Draco glared at Pansy who looked at him pointedly, "you're doing it wrong. It's counter-clockwise not the other way around."

Potter blushed a deep shade of red as he nodded and once again, avoided Draco's eyes. Draco sighed massaged the bridge of his nose.

"Erm, what next, Malfoy?" Potter asked once he had stirred the the mixture.

Draco huffed, "Do you not have the ability to read, daddy?"

Potter glared at him, "I thought this was a joint project, and since you're not doing anything-"

"Well it's not my fault you're rubbish at potions!" Draco exclaimed angrily. "Merlin, now you can't even follow instructions in a book on your own?"

"Shut up!" Potter hissed in parseltongue.

Draco froze. His face turned red at the sound of Potter's hissing. Merlin, was he really getting turned on?

Potter's eyes were a darkened shade of green. The rest of the class had gone silent. They were watching Draco and Potter, some confused at why Draco was calling Potter 'daddy', others smirking at how easily the title slipped out of Draco's lips.

"Why can't you just-" Harry hissed, clenching his fists tightly, unknowingly magic-ing his and Draco's cauldron to fly towards the front of the room.

Draco barely noticed, his ears still ringing from the way Harry had hissed.

"Shit," Harry muttered in parseltongue.

Draco let out a small strangled moan at the sound. Harry's darkened eyes flicked over to Draco's, they twinkled when he noticed the effect he had on Draco. He smirked slightly. The whole class stood by the sides, watching in bewilderment.

Then, the bell rang and Draco raced out the classroom, face flushed with embarrassment. He could hear Slughorn calling for the attention of the class, but he was already too far down the hall to care.

God, he was going to kill Pansy. And maybe himself if he was feeling generous.


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