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Photo credits: Tumblr, specific artist not known

Harry yawned, squinting at the
weather report on his mobile. Nice. It’d be 14 degrees and sunny around mid-day. He could have a good long sit on his balcony, enjoy some sun.

So he climbed out of bed, and began his morning routine. Shower, put on pants, brew the coffee and have breakfast. Today … today he felt like something hot and cheesy. Frozen pizza. Yes, that’d be perfect.

Once the afternoon rolled around, Harry brought a glass of Firewhisky out onto the balcony and looked out, with his elbows on the railing. He spotted a couple people down below—wearing homemade medical masks and walking over 2 metres apart. Harry sighed. He missed people. When would this end?


Oh, that’d be his neighbour, then. Harry turned his head to find a rather wide-eyed Draco Malfoy staring at him from the balcony next door, dressed in a blue button-down tucked into grey trousers.

‘Hello. How’s quarantine life treating you?’ Harry asked.

Malfoy just blinked at him, as if he were taken aback by the question, even though it was actually a perfectly normal question (if you ask Harry). Malfoy’s mouth twisted into a small frown. ‘Fine, thank you. Now why aren’t you wearing any clothes?’

‘I am wearing clothes,’ Harry said, turning his body around fully to face Malfoy, and gesturing towards his navy-blue boxer briefs. ‘See?’

Malfoy did not look down to where Harry was indicating. Instead, he exhaled slow. ‘Wearing pants hardly counts as being dressed.’

Harry shrugged. ‘What’s the point of trousers anymore?’

Malfoy stared at him. ‘Right.’ Evidently, he’d decided to drop it. ‘What are you drinking?’

Harry looked down at the glass in his hand. ‘Ogden’s Old. Want some?’

‘It’s noon.’

He shrugged. ‘So? Time is meaningless.’

Malfoy huffed a laugh. It seemed to surprise both of them.

‘I’ll get you a glass,’ Harry said, not waiting for an answer.

He went back inside, and poured out a couple fingers. When he returned, Malfoy stood in the same spot, eyeing him oddly.

‘Here,’ Harry said, walking closer to Malfoy’s balcony.

Malfoy took a quick step back. ‘We’re not supposed to …'

‘Yeah, yeah. I’ll just set it here then,’ he said, placing the glass on the short brick wall that separated their two balconies, and he stepped back to give them distance.

Malfoy eyed the glass.

‘My hands are clean,’ Harry assured.

‘Right.’ Malfoy picked up the glass, held it up to the sunlight to squint at it, and then, finally, he brought it to his lips.

Harry smiled, and sipped from his own glass.

‘Thank you.’

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