Artless Jealousy

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He squeezed his eyes tighter as he tried to hunker down beneath the covers. The sounds followed him, teasing him, torturing him. His heart pounded while the jealousy burned. A desperate sigh into the darkness, a muffled grunt into a pillow. The images it brought to mind were treacherous as desire stirred in his boxers.

It had been like this from the start, ever since they had found out that they were going to be roommates through basic training. It had surprised everyone when Malfoy had appeared at the Auror's orientation. Harry felt the usual twisting in his gut at seeing him again. He put it down to dread and tried to ignore it.

They managed to maintain a respectful distance as they shared the space, moving around each other like planetary bodies. Caught in each others gravity but kept apart by their momentum.

It surprised Harry that he didn't hate it. Not the fastidious nature, or the long periods of silence as they poured over the texts books. Even the snorts of derision when Harry did something stupid didn't grate as they once had. He was sure he had even caught Malfoy smiling a time or two. The discomfort in his gut returned, but it wasn't dread.

The only times that Harry disliked it was night. When the world was silent, and the lights were off, and nightmares haunted his dreams. At weekends it was other nightmares that haunted his sleep and these he had even less control of. So when a muffled groan roused him from sleep, he remained motionless as he tried to assess the situation, the way they had been trained.

The sounds of lips against lips confused him for a second until a hiss almost made him rise. Someone groaned, and it wasn't in pain. His muscles tighten as his ears strained to hear. The rubbing of skin and material was unmistakable as another gasp broke the still night air. Harry gritted his teeth as he tried to ignore the sounds, but the discomfort in his stomach grew warm as his cock hardened. He opened his eyes and stared at the wall. They weren't supposed to have people in the dorms.

Harry rolled over, pretending to sleep as he got a better look. He justified it to himself that if he knew who it was, he could identify them again and tell them to stay away. He didn't want to admit that his cock ached to see what was causing the gasps.

The shapes in the far bed stilled at Harry's movement, but Harry stilled and waited, keeping his breathing even and calm. Soon whispers caressed the air as the couple resumed. Harry assumed that he would see some pretty little thing bouncing on his balls. Pert breasts and tight arse.

He almost choked as he cracked his eyes open. Draco lay on his back, his pale skin luminous in the darkness. His fine, toned legs were held hostage by a man he didn't recognise. Harry's mind stopped as his cock hardened even further.

Malfoy was gay!

Harry's mouth turned dry as he watched. He admired the glean of sweat on Malfoy's face as the man ploughed into him. Malfoy groaned helplessly as the man pulled out again. Harry was transfixed. The look of anguish on the blonds face captured Harry's attention as he suddenly imagined being the unknown man. Himself sinking into the depths of Malfoy before drawing out slowly and milking the other wizard of every delicious sound he could.

What was he thinking? He wasn't gay, was he? He couldn't be, he fancied Ginny. The thought of the redhead made him wilt slightly. That was strange. He didn't get a chance to question it as a stranged moan came from the far bed. Harry's eyes were drawn back to Malfoy as his mouth screamed in silent ecstasy into the room. His back arched as his cum erupted from the head of his swollen cock.

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