Feeling Good

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Ever since Harry had first been asked to go to the legal department within the Ministry of Magic, he found himself going back more and more often. The first time, Kingsley had asked him to go down there and talk to one of the Ministry appointed lawyers to straighten up an issue with one of their perps. It seemed relatively straight forward and Harry had admittedly put it off for a while before he begrudgingly made his way down there, but what he witnessed as he walked through the door was something that would be forever burnt into his memories.

Draco Malfoy was a Ministry appointed lawyer too, Harry would’ve been impressed with his win rate, or the fact he could recite every code of conduct without needing to consult the manual, but the only thing he was impressed with was the man himself. All long legs, gorgeous flowing blonde hair, styled in to a messy side fringe. His eyes sparkling, like a grey storm in the middle of the sea, a mouth-watering pressed, black suit so tight he could see the outlines of the other man’s nipples through the crisp white shirt. A black tie he just wanted to yank forwards, the first time he’d lay eyes on Malfoy his mouth went dry.

He found himself going back for the most ridiculous things, just so he could stare at Malfoy in all his glory. The night he’d left work, he apparated straight to Hermione and Ron’s flat and immediately berated her, asking why she’d never mentioned Malfoy. Hermione’s knowing look told him everything he needed to know and more, and without a slight bit of hesitation he explained just how ridiculously fit the other man was.

He’d listened to Hermione prattle on about their ridiculous obsession, how she just knew he fancied Malfoy, but Harry really couldn’t care less, he’d wanked himself silly the first time he saw the blonde and every night since then. Sometimes, he’d have to go to the toilet just to relieve the pressure in his trousers.

How the fuck does someone manage to look that hot in a suit? How the fuck does anyone get anything done when he’s around? And when he’d smiled at Harry he almost lost his damn mind.

So here he was, stood at the reception desk of the legal department once again, with another stupid question just so he could get another look of him. The witch behind the desk just rolled her eyes, tutting. “If you want to talk to him, why don’t you just go into his office?” she asked finally, eyes trailing off towards the office door with a large silver plaque that read ‘D. L. Malfoy.’

These days, Harry really didn’t have much shame. He just shot her a wicked smile and nodded his head, sauntering towards the door to Malfoy’s office. He knocked lightly, immediately walking through the door.

Looking up from his paperwork, Draco’s eyebrow quirked. “Potter, how can I help you?” he said smoothly, running his hands down the edges of his desk. Shutting the door behind him, Harry turned to him and watched as the other man stood up.

Today was another absolute cracker of a suit. A deep navy blue, with lighter lapels, silver stitching woven in to the fabric. As skin tight as the last and oh so mouth watering.

“Malfoy.” he said evenly, nodding his head.

They stood staring at each other for a few moments, before Draco smirked, shaking his head. “What do you want?” he finally asked, walking towards Harry with that stride, the one that sent shocks through Harry’s body.

“Fancy getting coffee?” he asked as casually as he possibly could, they weren’t friends and they rarely ever did talk. Hermione was a good friend of Draco’s now, so they talked in passing. But never did he wear a suit as delicious as this, he’d opted for a casual look on the various social outings they found themselves together at.

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