Treat Me Nice

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"Hey Malfoy, is this seat taken?" A voice rang from before Draco.

He looked up and saw the green eyes of Harry Potter looking down at him. 

"Why?" Draco asked, stabbing a piece of bacon on his plate.

Potter shrugged, "So I can sit with you?"

Draco frowned but didn't object. Potter sat down across Draco.

"Where's Parkinson and Zabini?" Potter asked, shovelling eggs into his mouth messily.

Draco scrunched up his face at the sight, "None of your business."

Draco realised that that sounded slightly suspicious but Potter didn't notice, choosing instead to nod dumbly. Draco sighed and ate the piece of bacon he had already pierced with his fork. He looked up and saw that Potter was still shoving mounds of food into his mouth. Draco sighed.

"Could you at least eat with more... flair?" Draco scowled, "You're getting food everywhere."

Draco reached forward and swiped a thumb along the corner of Potter's mouth, where there was some syrup. Potter widened his eyes slightly, cheeks tinting a faint red. Draco jerked his thumb away from Potter's face and darted his eyes towards his plate, cheeks burning. Potter bit his bottom lip and smirked softly. Draco could hear his heart thumping in his ears.

"Thanks," Potter said.

Draco felt his cheeks warming further. Potter huffed out a laugh. Draco glared at him.

After breakfast, Draco immediately got up from his seat and made his way to his first class, potions. He heard footsteps behind him. He looked back and saw Potter walking behind him, a hand in his pocket. He caught Draco’s eye and grinned. Draco turned back swiftly and felt his cheeks warming again.

He entered the classroom and saw that he was the first one there, followed by Potter, of course.

He took a seat at the front of the class. Goyle hadn’t come back for another year and Draco understood. What Draco couldn’t understand was what was taking Pansy and Blaise so long. 

He took out his quills and scrolls from his bag. Potter sat down at the table behind Draco. 

Soon, the classroom started filling up. The 8th years and the 7th years were having lessons together so the classroom was completely packed. 

Finally, Blaise and Pansy arrived and they sat at the seats next to Draco. 

Slughorn entered the classroom, a wide grin on his face and a potion bottle in his hand. He placed the bottle on the table and looked around the classroom, at the familiar faces and the not-so.

”Good morning, class!” Slughorn said, “Now, I’m sure the eighth years will be able to name this particular potion.”

He took off the stopper from the bottle and Draco smelled the sweet scent of treacle tart and wet grass. He furrowed his eyebrows. He was sure this was amortentia but it was a different smell from his sixth year. He took another whiff of the air. 

It smelled strangely familiar. Like he just smelled it. 

"Can anyone tell me what it is?" Slughorn smiled.

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