Foreshadowing (I Really Should Have Seen That Coming)

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Ron knew it was going to be the worst day ever when he woke up to a significant lack of milk in the freezer.

Accordingly, his first words to Hermione were: "Today's gonna be the worst day ever."

Hermione, in response to this, had replied with an expected: "Oh Ron, don't be silly. It's only a bit of milk." Little did she know, it went far deeper than just milk (which, in itself was quite significant, thank you very much). Well, you can't really blame her; it's not like her great great grandmother twice removed was a Seer.

You know whose was?

Ron's was.

Anyway, nothing much worse than that had really happened afterwards. He and Hermione had stepped into the fireplace and Flooed to the ministry in a flurry of green flames, kissed eachother goodbye at the main floor and gone their separate ways. Like normal.

Ron passed by bleary eyed young Aurors each brandishing a paper cup of second grade coffee as a weapon against the tendrils of sleep-- like normal-- and reached the office area he shared with Auror Watson. He was only a little put out about not having Harry as his partner, but Watson was easy to work with, and not bad company.

The aforementioned greeted him with a nod and said, "'S checkup day." All right, maybe this was a sign of today being a horrible one. Ron hated checking up on "ex" Death Eater bums on parole once a week, granted it was certainly satisfying to see how they had fallen from their glory, if you could even call it that.

"Whossit?" Ron asked through a yawn. He was hoping it was Nott. That fucker was always just kind of quiet when they went to see him, and he even served them biscuits sometimes which were honestly better than Hermione's (not that he'd ever tell her so).

"Funny thing," Watson smirked, tossing their agenda sheet to him, "we finally got Malfoy."

"Malfoy?" Ron asked disbelievingly. Sure enough, the name Malfoy, Draco Lucius was printed clearly on the parchment, "Isn't he, y'know, Harry's? He's kind of weird about it."

It was true, ever since Harry had gotten Malfoy about thrice in the rotation, he'd personally requested to be the only Auror in charge of the Slytherin's weekly checkup, which in turn meant that Malfoy was the only Death Eater ("ex") that he had to check on.

No one quite knew why, but it wasn't bothering anybody: rumor has it that Malfoy was a right nightmare, not that Ron knew. He'd never gotten Malfoy.

"Potter's on leave right?" Watson asked, "Did something stupid again?"

Ron snorted, "Yeah. Jumped off a six storey bridge chasing a dark wizard. Came out all right but Kingsley's let him off for a week for violating rules of safety or something," he scratched his head, "didn't think about the fact that someone else'd be assigned to Malfoy though."

"I know, right?" Watson said, shrugging his Auror robe on, "it's like Malfoy's not even on the checkup list anymore now that Potter's all..."

"Weird and obsessed over him?" Ron rolls his eyes and takes a blank parole form from the desk, "He gets like that with Malfoy, yeah. Been a problem since Sixth Year. He says he thinks he's," he makes quotation marks in the air, "up to something. I just think he's a great git."

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