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Olivia POV:

Hi my names Olivia Grace St.Claire pretty basic. I have long black hair like my mom with the brightest blue eye from my dad I stand at about 5 foot very short but it goes with my petite frame. Both my parent died in a car accident last year. I've always been close to my parents so when they both died on the same day I kinda went into a depressive state but I always had my sisters there to help. They were twins so they could comfort each other better than they could help me but it was sweet for them to try.

I was broke out of my thoughts when Ivy called me down for breakfast. They turned into my guardians when our parents died they've done pretty good job other than the fact they were always at a party and still in high school raising another teenager.

"Good morning Ivy Iris this smells so good." They just laughed and told me as she smirked "thanks you, look cute today any boy your interested in?" I just rolled my eyes saying "no, not interested all boys here are players and just ducks in general." "Language Liv" Iris yelled she hated when I cussed but I mean she really can't tell me what to do so I do it any way. I mean it is true and she knew that what they didn't know is that I wasn't boy-crazy like they were I could care less about guys.

I've had a boyfriend here and there but nothing serious I was just waiting for the right guy to come into my life and take me away to a better place.

When we pulled up to the school I quickly jumped out of the car and ran into the school to hide. See my problem is that my sisters are the queen bees of the school. They weren't total bitches as the stereotype would say they were but they did have all the boys around them and all the girls wanted to be them. That automatically made me a target people tried to get close to me to get close to them but I didn't care I just ignored and went on with my life.

I did have the group of girls that picked on me. It was really hard to keep my cool when they were making fun of me. Like I already know I'm fat and ugly they don't need to rub it in. They were the typical beautiful, tall, tanned, skinny, blonde haired blues eyed girls that had all the boys on there knees for their attention. What got me the most was when they would talk about my parents I have cried several times.

I just want it all to stop and to find love. I'm so lonely my sisters don't see it but I can tell there worried about me I'm not my old self but how can I be when the two most important people in my life are gone. They already have each other and Dior.

I've seen Dior a couple of times and all I can say is she is so beautiful I just want to talk to her but I could never. FUCK. She's over at our house a lot but all I do is stay locked in my room and go to school that's it. I don't have any friends I'm that's kid that sits in the back of the class with her headphones in and doesn't pay attention. I still manage to make straight A's. Dior is just so cute she probably doesn't even know I exist.

I'm sitting in the library during lunch I never sit in the cafeteria it's to loud and busy besides who am I kidding I have no one to sit with anyway. As I was walking down the isles to get a book I heard soft moans when I looked I saw Ivy and some random guy making out. I quickly grabbed her hand and pulled her away from him I know I know you can call me a cock-block or whatever but she was till my sister.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING IVY?" I was fuming she was just giggling as I pulled her away. "Silly what does it look like I was having some fun." She was giggling way to much. That's when I realized she was high as fuck I knew she smoked at parties but not at school. I smoke alone in my room no one knows about that I hide it just like all my other many secrets.

I had to get her home she was way to buzzed to stay at school. The only thing I could think of was to find iris but that's the problem I have no idea where she is. Just as I thought that I got a glimpse of Dior walking out of the bathroom. I had to face my fear of talking to her so I mustered you all the courage I had left and walked over to her. Here goes nothin bitches!!!

A/n— ahhhhhhh I'm so excited first chapter done. I hope you like and keep reading. Vote comment please it would make my day.🥰🥰

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